Time: | Sep 15, 2023 (UTC-5) ENDED |
Location: | 105 Sanford St |
Don't miss out on the ultimate wrestling event, BST MEGACLASH, presented by BST Wrestling. On September 15, 2023, head over to the prestigious Devonshire Hall in Hamden, CT, and prepare to be blown away by a day filled with heart-pounding action and excitement. Witness your favorite BST wrestlers in action as they battle it out for glory. Mark your calendars for this unforgettable event, taking place at 105 Sanford Street, Hamden, CT 06514. The reigning BST Champion, Lucas Chase, will put his title on the line in a fatal four-way match against Uptown Andy Brown, Bobby Buffet, and a mystery opponent. Plus, Monarch's champion, Evie De La Rosa, will also be in action, ensuring a night of extraordinary performances. Secure your tickets now for BST MEGACLASH, the biggest wrestling event in town. Rally your friends, bring your signs, and prepare to be part of an epic experience that will leave you speechless. Don't wait, tickets go on sale on September 2 at 12:00 AM. Join us for BST MEGACLASH and immerse yourself in the electrifying world of professional wrestling.