Hotels near Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
<h1>Hotels near Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato in Fuji</h1>

Hotels near Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato in Fuji

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Best hotels near Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato, Fuji

3/50 Reviews
3/50 Reviews
|5.36km from Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
The gateway to Mt. Fuji! The perfect destination to unwind for business travelers and tourists alike.
3.9/521 Reviews
3.9/521 Reviews
|5.38km from Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
The location name in googlemaps is Fujimi Inn. They provide free alcohol corner for guest as well as so many soft drinks. We were very impressive. The staff was very kind and helpful. They also provide free parking spot at the restaurant parking lot on the opposite side of the road.
4.2/51 Reviews
4.2/5Very Good1 Reviews
|5.44km from Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
D old but 100 points for a rooftop
4.1/59 Reviews
4.1/5Very Good9 Reviews
|5.54km from Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
概要:愛犬同伴で利用可能な、静岡県富士市のロードサイドホテル。宿泊に特化した宿泊施設のため、サービスは最低限ながら、安価で快適な寝室が提供される。富士インターチェンジから6km、新富士インターチェンジから10km、東海道新幹線新富士駅からは2kmの距離にあり、隣にはコンビニとしらす販売店・食堂が、徒歩圏にショッピングセンターがあるのが特徴。また静岡県東部の要衝に位置しているため、伊豆北部・富士山南麓・静岡市の観光に便利。なお犬のアメニティ・施設はなく、愛犬同伴での宿泊の際は、十分な管理が必要。  ファミリーロッジ旅籠屋・富士田子浦店は、静岡県富士市にある、ロードサイドホテルです。母体のファミリーロッジ旅籠屋は、国内に70店舗以上ある、ロードサイドホテルのチェーン店で、主に観光地やインターチェンジ、幹線道路等など、車でアクセスしやすい場所にある素泊まりのミニホテルです。寝室は清潔で必要十分な機能があり、しっかり休めればそれで十分と考えている方にとって相応しい施設です。安価で愛犬と同宿可能なため、愛犬同伴での静岡県東部の観光の拠点として非常に優れています。  ちなみに、富士田子浦の「田子浦」といえば、広く知られている山部赤人の 「田子の浦ゆうち出でてみれば真白にぞ 富士の高嶺に雪は降りける(万葉集)」 「田子の浦にうち出でてみれば白妙の 富士の高嶺に雪は降りつつ(新古今集)」 の短歌で出てくる「田子の浦」と一緒です。実際に、店舗のすぐそばには田子の浦港があり、宿のすぐ近くにある「ふじのくに田子の浦みなと公園」には、山部赤人万葉歌碑が建立されています。ただし、奈良時代の「田子の浦」は、静岡市清水区の薩埵峠から田子の浦港あたりの海沿い一帯を示していたという説もあるので、現在の田子ノ浦を含め、静岡市清水区東部までの富士山の綺麗に見える場所全体が「田子の浦」だったと考えて良いでしょう。  店舗のある場所は、富士インターチェンジから6km、新富士インターチェンジから10km、東海道新幹線新富士駅からは2kmの距離にあり、隣にはミニストップとしらす販売店・食堂の「しらすの八幡」が、徒歩圏にショッピングセンターの「イオンタウン富士南」があるのが特徴です。隣のコンビニでほぼ全て揃いますが、買い物を安価に済ませたい場合やコンビニで売っていないものを調達したい場合には、イオンタウンで買ってくるのも一案です。  料金体系は、日付によって(エコノミー・)レギュラー・ハイ・トップ・ピークに分かれており、大人2名・小型犬2頭だと日曜〜金曜はレギュラーの10000円、冬の土曜はハイの12000円、春から秋にかけての土曜と夏休み期間中はトップの15000円、盆・年始年末・春から秋にかけての連休はピークの20000円(いずれも税抜)のことが多いです。レギュラーあるいはハイの日程であれば、愛犬同宿施設としては費用対効果が非常に高くなり、またトップ料金でも十分お値打ち価格に感じられると思います。  チェックインは15時〜23時、チェックアウトは11時です。朝7時から9時まで、ラウンジにてセルフサービスで数種のパンとオレンジジュースの提供があります。それ以外の時間(夜23時までと、朝7時以降)はコーヒー・お茶がセルフで利用可能です。客室にはクイーンサイズの大きなベッドが二つあり、有料でエキストラベッドの利用が可能です。またテレビ・冷蔵庫・空気清浄機・除湿機・エアコン・床暖房・Wi-Fiがあるため、滞在中は快適に過ごせます。洋式トイレ・浴室はそれぞれ独立しており、シャンプー・リンス・ボディソープは備え付けのものがあります。ハンドタオル・バスタオルのセットが人数分あり、必要であれば、有料で追加貸出可能です。それ以外にも寝巻き・湯沸しポット・使い捨てスリッパ・歯ブラシ・髭剃りなども有料で利用できます。建物内には他に、自販機とコインランドリーがあります。フロント脇のラウンジには近隣観光施設のパンフレットや割引券などが置いてあるので、来訪先の検討に役立ちます。  愛犬対応状況ですが、数は少ないものの、愛犬同伴可能な部屋があります。詳細はファミリーロッジ旅籠屋公式サイト内の「ペット同宿について」をご参照ください。要旨としては、十分なしつけ・二匹まで・室内放置不可等が挙げられます。また室内外でマーキングをする・排泄管理ができない・吠え止まない・ベッドに乗ってしまう、といったことをしてしまう場合には利用できません。「犬同伴可能」であって「犬同伴歓迎」ではないため、適切な対応がされていない場合、国内全店舗・全室ペット同伴不可となってしまうので厳に慎む必要があります。ちなみに、ペットに関するものは全く置いていないので、全て持参する必要があります。それと、フロントに同伴することはできません。同伴できるのは許可された客室のみです。犬の散歩については、徒歩15分程度のところにある既出の「ふじのくに田子の浦みなと公園」まで徒歩で行けば、往復含め十分楽しめるのではないかと思います。  食事については、まずは駿河湾で獲れたばかりのしらすを食べることをおすすめいたします。宿から1km離れた「田子の浦港 漁協食堂」は、屋内愛犬同伴で、美味しいしらす丼、特にしらす漁があれば生しらす丼が愛犬同伴で楽しむことができます。またしらす以外にも、駿河湾で獲れた新鮮な刺身等も売っているので、こちらも併せてご賞味ください。食堂のツイートを確認すれば、当日の生しらすの有無が確認可能なので便利です。  あとは、富士市の隣の富士宮市になりますが、富士宮焼きそばという選択肢もあります。噛み応えのあるコシの強い麺と、肉かすやイワシの削り粉を入れた味付けが特徴の富士宮やきそばは、富士宮市中心部の富士宮駅および富士山本宮浅間大社の周辺に多くあります。愛犬同伴で、というこだわりがあれば、富士山本宮浅間大社の二の鳥居前にあるお宮横丁を訪ねると良いかと思います。この横丁では富士宮焼きそばを扱っているお店が何軒かあり、またテラス席もあるので、購入時に犬同伴での食事が可能か尋ねてみると良いかと思います。  なお、時間的制約がある場合や、急ぎの時であれば、上述のイオンタウン富士南内にある飲食店や、国道1号沿いの飲食店を利用することも可能です。シチュエーションに併せてご検討ください。  犬同伴の観光については、宿が工業・商業地域にあるためすぐ近くにはないものの、車で30-60分で移動すれば下記のような場所があります。  まずは、世界遺産「富士山-信仰の対象と芸術の源泉」の構成資産である、 ・富士山本宮浅間大社 ・山宮浅間神社 ・須山浅間神社 ・白糸の滝 ・三保松原 が挙げられます。特に白糸の滝は近くにある白糸自然公園を併せて巡ると、良い散歩ができると思います。また三保松原は長い松林が伸びていて歩きやすくなっているので、こちらも散歩するには良いかと思います。ただし松林と富士山を一緒に綺麗に写せる場所は、かなりピンポイントなため、確認の上で来訪ください。  また、静岡県唯一の国宝建築物である、久能山東照宮の参拝も良いかと思います。健脚であれば海側から、そうでなければ日本平ロープウェイを利用しての参
0/50 Reviews
|5.63km from Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
Tenwa 2nd year founded 340 years ago Jirocho Tesshus regular lodgingIf you are walking along the Tokaido please stop by
3.6/56 Reviews
3.6/56 Reviews
|5.66km from Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
The hearty breakfast makes people feel full of happiness and vitality. The room I booked was not too big, relatively speaking, it would be more crowded with more things, and the location of the hotel is quite convenient
4.2/531 Reviews
4.2/5Very Good31 Reviews
|6.18km from Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
The hotel is clean, cheap and if you have a room facing Mt. Fuji you will have a full view of the mountain. The problem is the staff... The cleaning staff was impolite when asking us to leave the restaurant when finishing of the breakfast. Once I was told to leave at 09:00 and then they pointed to a placard written 08:45. I was with my meal in the plate but I has to leave without finishing it (I arrived at 08:20). I'm ok to leave if the time is over but why telling only to me and my wife if there were more people in the restaurant? Why Japanese can stay and foreign are asked to leave? I honestly did not understand why the two ladies went only to my table (in a sequence) to shout to us if there were a Japanese family (4 people), 1 single Japanese, 1 Polish couple and us in the restaurant? Why speak at loud voice to me that breakfast was over demanding to go, if there was more people there?
4.1/535 Reviews
4.1/5Very Good35 Reviews
|6.44km from Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
The hotel with free breakfast has experience staying with color 々, but it was the top class delicious among them. However, the restaurant is small, so it may be full soon. Call me waiting in the room, but if you are in a hurry, it is a must-see. The grand Fuji mountain when you open the window. It was a great view. There are few parking lots and in some cases it is far away. In a difficult way, the bathroom was not very clean and there was mold in the corner 々. I don't care particularly, so I will repeat it if I have a chance. There was a large bath, and it was possible to lend it, but the time zone that could be rented was halfway.
4.2/544 Reviews
4.2/5Very Good44 Reviews
|6.7km from Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
We used it for sightseeing to Fuji Goko. I usually go from home on a day trip, but I stayed at the hotel and sightseeing because it was this time. I made a net reservation the day before and went. The good place for route inn chose this hotel because there is a parking lot that can be free to enter and exit. Mt. Fuji had other hotels and could see a little. I had breakfast at the hotel, but it was very empty and I was relieved that there were few users. The type of dishes was good. The bed was good, but the pillow was too soft for me. The public bath was not used because it was this time. I want to use it again because the transportation is good.
4.3/52 Reviews
4.3/5Excellent2 Reviews
|6.7km from Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
Very convenient hotel, not far from there are seven, restaurants, self-driving, about 5 minutes there is Ji'an, game store, very good!
4.2/529 Reviews
4.2/5Very Good29 Reviews
|6.88km from Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
It's a little from the center of Fuji City, but it's convenient to use by car. There is also a free parking lot, and it's nice to see Mt. Fuji well. There is no convenience store nearby to walk, but there is one if it is a fast food shop. The hotel facilities are new and clean. The lobby feels wider than it looks. The room is large enough for one person. The writing desk is large and is perfect for business. From the room, you can see the vicinity of Mt. Fuji, but to see the whole, you can see the emergency exit of the bridge in the passage. The bathtub is deep and the hot water temperature is easy to adjust. I'm glad there is a large bath. Breakfast is buffet style. The type of menu is just about this if it is breakfast. There is a healthy menu. Cospa is a high hotel. It is a good hotel for sightseeing Mt. Fuji.
4.7/540 Reviews
4.7/5Outstanding40 Reviews
|6.88km from Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato
We would have left a much better review, had we not been fleeced by the hotel in regards to parking. This is a good, basic hotel if you just need somewhere to sleep & bathe. It is newer and clean, and the rooms have all the necessary amenities despite their small size. There is a coin-operated laundry available (200yen for washers, 30yen for soap... dryers were always full, so we hung out clothes to dry in the bathroom). Breakfast is very basic... miso soup, rice, salad. It is next door to the station if you are traveling by shinkansen. We were charged for parking for our entire stay despite never using the lot. On the first day, we told them we would not be using the hotel lot as it was farther than we were told and there were safer and closer lots nearby for the same price (500yen/24hrs). The hotel refused to refund us the money they charged us for the parking we never used and did not want. We did speak with a supervisor and got nowhere. Based on this lack of customer service and fraudulent charging, we would not recommend others stay here. I have noticed this issue in other reviews as well.

Reviews of Hotels near Mega Don Quijote UNY Nakazato in Fuji

Tabist Yuen No Yado Fujimi
3.9/521 Reviews
|0.89km from city center
The location name in googlemaps is Fujimi Inn. They provide free alcohol corner for guest as well as so many soft drinks. We were very impressive. The staff was very kind and helpful. They also provide free parking spot at the restaurant parking lot on the opposite side of the road.
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Fuji Green Hotel
3.4/525 Reviews
|2.62km from city center
Zabibijiho in front of the station. The appearance and interior are full of aging, but there is no problem because it is only demand to sleep. However, it is a little noisy near the downtown area, and the sound of the freight train running at midnight is cracked. No soundproofing. I don't recommend it to nervous people. This hotel does not have breakfast. Instead, there is a plan with bread and drinks instead of breakfast. There is also a plan with lunch as dinner. Bento is naturally a premise to consume during the day as dinner. Other than that, the hotel is not responsible. Well, that's it. It was good at the same management dining room on the second floor.
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Fuji Park Hotel
3.4/52 Reviews
|1.38km from city center
The hotel has not seen Mount Fuji in two days. After living for two days, Mount Fuji has been shrouded in the fog of the clouds. When I was walking, I was having breakfast at the hotel’s rooftop restaurant. Suddenly the cloud opened for a while and I saw Mount Fuji. Staying for two consecutive days can ask them not to clean the room. When they come back, the staff puts toiletries and other items on the door of the room. It’s really intimate. The hotel is conveniently located at the east exit Fuji Expressway. The hotel staff is really very enthusiastic and responsible. I took the wallet on the train on the Shinkansen. The hotel staff helped to call the Shinkansen. The magical thing was that the wallet was found. Two days later, I went to Tokyo to get the wallet back.
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Hotel Nishimura
4.2/531 Reviews
|0.12km from city center
The hotel is clean, cheap and if you have a room facing Mt. Fuji you will have a full view of the mountain. The problem is the staff... The cleaning staff was impolite when asking us to leave the restaurant when finishing of the breakfast. Once I was told to leave at 09:00 and then they pointed to a placard written 08:45. I was with my meal in the plate but I has to leave without finishing it (I arrived at 08:20). I'm ok to leave if the time is over but why telling only to me and my wife if there were more people in the restaurant? Why Japanese can stay and foreign are asked to leave? I honestly did not understand why the two ladies went only to my table (in a sequence) to shout to us if there were a Japanese family (4 people), 1 single Japanese, 1 Polish couple and us in the restaurant? Why speak at loud voice to me that breakfast was over demanding to go, if there was more people there?
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Toyoko Inn Shin-fuji-eki Minami-guchi
4.7/540 Reviews
|2.45km from city center
We would have left a much better review, had we not been fleeced by the hotel in regards to parking. This is a good, basic hotel if you just need somewhere to sleep & bathe. It is newer and clean, and the rooms have all the necessary amenities despite their small size. There is a coin-operated laundry available (200yen for washers, 30yen for soap... dryers were always full, so we hung out clothes to dry in the bathroom). Breakfast is very basic... miso soup, rice, salad. It is next door to the station if you are traveling by shinkansen. We were charged for parking for our entire stay despite never using the lot. On the first day, we told them we would not be using the hotel lot as it was farther than we were told and there were safer and closer lots nearby for the same price (500yen/24hrs). The hotel refused to refund us the money they charged us for the parking we never used and did not want. We did speak with a supervisor and got nowhere. Based on this lack of customer service and fraudulent charging, we would not recommend others stay here. I have noticed this issue in other reviews as well.
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Hotel Livemax Budget Fuji Ekimae
3.5/547 Reviews
|2.51km from city center
The hotel is located near the Kamogawa River. The subway and train are very convenient. It is close to Kiyomizudera Temple, Chion-in Temple, and Maruyama Park. It is also very close to Hanamikoji Street. The hotel is very modern and clean.
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Hotel Grand Fuji
4.4/543 Reviews
|2.62km from city center
A really remarkable hotel in the heart of Fuji City with well appointed and very spacious rooms and large bathrooms that gives excellent service at very fair prices. The hotel provides choice of break fasts either Japanese or Continental with a set menu in the coffee floor on the ground level. Excellent services. The price is just one third of or even less than that of Tokyo hotels. It is definitely a very good and affordable choice for travelers on vacation or on work.
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Hotel Route-Inn Fuji Chuo Koen Higashi
4.2/544 Reviews
|0.46km from city center
We used it for sightseeing to Fuji Goko. I usually go from home on a day trip, but I stayed at the hotel and sightseeing because it was this time. I made a net reservation the day before and went. The good place for route inn chose this hotel because there is a parking lot that can be free to enter and exit. Mt. Fuji had other hotels and could see a little. I had breakfast at the hotel, but it was very empty and I was relieved that there were few users. The type of dishes was good. The bed was good, but the pillow was too soft for me. The public bath was not used because it was this time. I want to use it again because the transportation is good.
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Super Hotel Jr Fujiekimae Kinenkan
4/531 Reviews
|2.53km from city center
This is a satisfying hotel, the cleanliness of the rooms, the communication of the staff and all the breakfast! This is also one of the hotels I want to use!
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Kinoya Hostel
4.2/53 Reviews
|2.58km from city center
일본 꽤나 많은 지역을 혼자 여행했습니다. 이곳 만큼 좋은 곳은 없었어요 ㅠ 목욕 노천도 즐길 수 있는데 시간 예약을 해서 혼자만의 공간으로 즐길 수 있습니다. 외관과 실내 디자인 너무 깔끔하고 편안합니다 ㅎ 사장님 친절하시고 추천해주신 식당도 너무 좋았어요. 신후지역 바로 앞에 위치함. 다음에 또 올겁니다!! It was great time in this hostel ever. Actually I traveled Japan quite a lot thought I ve never had experience at here like cozy and calm. Bath system was incredible and interior design was so Japan. And the location is just near by Sinfuji station. Host was so kind also. If .. I will come and staying here again definitely.
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Family Lodge Hatagoya Fuji Tagonoura
4.1/59 Reviews
|2.9km from city center
概要:愛犬同伴で利用可能な、静岡県富士市のロードサイドホテル。宿泊に特化した宿泊施設のため、サービスは最低限ながら、安価で快適な寝室が提供される。富士インターチェンジから6km、新富士インターチェンジから10km、東海道新幹線新富士駅からは2kmの距離にあり、隣にはコンビニとしらす販売店・食堂が、徒歩圏にショッピングセンターがあるのが特徴。また静岡県東部の要衝に位置しているため、伊豆北部・富士山南麓・静岡市の観光に便利。なお犬のアメニティ・施設はなく、愛犬同伴での宿泊の際は、十分な管理が必要。  ファミリーロッジ旅籠屋・富士田子浦店は、静岡県富士市にある、ロードサイドホテルです。母体のファミリーロッジ旅籠屋は、国内に70店舗以上ある、ロードサイドホテルのチェーン店で、主に観光地やインターチェンジ、幹線道路等など、車でアクセスしやすい場所にある素泊まりのミニホテルです。寝室は清潔で必要十分な機能があり、しっかり休めればそれで十分と考えている方にとって相応しい施設です。安価で愛犬と同宿可能なため、愛犬同伴での静岡県東部の観光の拠点として非常に優れています。  ちなみに、富士田子浦の「田子浦」といえば、広く知られている山部赤人の 「田子の浦ゆうち出でてみれば真白にぞ 富士の高嶺に雪は降りける(万葉集)」 「田子の浦にうち出でてみれば白妙の 富士の高嶺に雪は降りつつ(新古今集)」 の短歌で出てくる「田子の浦」と一緒です。実際に、店舗のすぐそばには田子の浦港があり、宿のすぐ近くにある「ふじのくに田子の浦みなと公園」には、山部赤人万葉歌碑が建立されています。ただし、奈良時代の「田子の浦」は、静岡市清水区の薩埵峠から田子の浦港あたりの海沿い一帯を示していたという説もあるので、現在の田子ノ浦を含め、静岡市清水区東部までの富士山の綺麗に見える場所全体が「田子の浦」だったと考えて良いでしょう。  店舗のある場所は、富士インターチェンジから6km、新富士インターチェンジから10km、東海道新幹線新富士駅からは2kmの距離にあり、隣にはミニストップとしらす販売店・食堂の「しらすの八幡」が、徒歩圏にショッピングセンターの「イオンタウン富士南」があるのが特徴です。隣のコンビニでほぼ全て揃いますが、買い物を安価に済ませたい場合やコンビニで売っていないものを調達したい場合には、イオンタウンで買ってくるのも一案です。  料金体系は、日付によって(エコノミー・)レギュラー・ハイ・トップ・ピークに分かれており、大人2名・小型犬2頭だと日曜〜金曜はレギュラーの10000円、冬の土曜はハイの12000円、春から秋にかけての土曜と夏休み期間中はトップの15000円、盆・年始年末・春から秋にかけての連休はピークの20000円(いずれも税抜)のことが多いです。レギュラーあるいはハイの日程であれば、愛犬同宿施設としては費用対効果が非常に高くなり、またトップ料金でも十分お値打ち価格に感じられると思います。  チェックインは15時〜23時、チェックアウトは11時です。朝7時から9時まで、ラウンジにてセルフサービスで数種のパンとオレンジジュースの提供があります。それ以外の時間(夜23時までと、朝7時以降)はコーヒー・お茶がセルフで利用可能です。客室にはクイーンサイズの大きなベッドが二つあり、有料でエキストラベッドの利用が可能です。またテレビ・冷蔵庫・空気清浄機・除湿機・エアコン・床暖房・Wi-Fiがあるため、滞在中は快適に過ごせます。洋式トイレ・浴室はそれぞれ独立しており、シャンプー・リンス・ボディソープは備え付けのものがあります。ハンドタオル・バスタオルのセットが人数分あり、必要であれば、有料で追加貸出可能です。それ以外にも寝巻き・湯沸しポット・使い捨てスリッパ・歯ブラシ・髭剃りなども有料で利用できます。建物内には他に、自販機とコインランドリーがあります。フロント脇のラウンジには近隣観光施設のパンフレットや割引券などが置いてあるので、来訪先の検討に役立ちます。  愛犬対応状況ですが、数は少ないものの、愛犬同伴可能な部屋があります。詳細はファミリーロッジ旅籠屋公式サイト内の「ペット同宿について」をご参照ください。要旨としては、十分なしつけ・二匹まで・室内放置不可等が挙げられます。また室内外でマーキングをする・排泄管理ができない・吠え止まない・ベッドに乗ってしまう、といったことをしてしまう場合には利用できません。「犬同伴可能」であって「犬同伴歓迎」ではないため、適切な対応がされていない場合、国内全店舗・全室ペット同伴不可となってしまうので厳に慎む必要があります。ちなみに、ペットに関するものは全く置いていないので、全て持参する必要があります。それと、フロントに同伴することはできません。同伴できるのは許可された客室のみです。犬の散歩については、徒歩15分程度のところにある既出の「ふじのくに田子の浦みなと公園」まで徒歩で行けば、往復含め十分楽しめるのではないかと思います。  食事については、まずは駿河湾で獲れたばかりのしらすを食べることをおすすめいたします。宿から1km離れた「田子の浦港 漁協食堂」は、屋内愛犬同伴で、美味しいしらす丼、特にしらす漁があれば生しらす丼が愛犬同伴で楽しむことができます。またしらす以外にも、駿河湾で獲れた新鮮な刺身等も売っているので、こちらも併せてご賞味ください。食堂のツイートを確認すれば、当日の生しらすの有無が確認可能なので便利です。  あとは、富士市の隣の富士宮市になりますが、富士宮焼きそばという選択肢もあります。噛み応えのあるコシの強い麺と、肉かすやイワシの削り粉を入れた味付けが特徴の富士宮やきそばは、富士宮市中心部の富士宮駅および富士山本宮浅間大社の周辺に多くあります。愛犬同伴で、というこだわりがあれば、富士山本宮浅間大社の二の鳥居前にあるお宮横丁を訪ねると良いかと思います。この横丁では富士宮焼きそばを扱っているお店が何軒かあり、またテラス席もあるので、購入時に犬同伴での食事が可能か尋ねてみると良いかと思います。  なお、時間的制約がある場合や、急ぎの時であれば、上述のイオンタウン富士南内にある飲食店や、国道1号沿いの飲食店を利用することも可能です。シチュエーションに併せてご検討ください。  犬同伴の観光については、宿が工業・商業地域にあるためすぐ近くにはないものの、車で30-60分で移動すれば下記のような場所があります。  まずは、世界遺産「富士山-信仰の対象と芸術の源泉」の構成資産である、 ・富士山本宮浅間大社 ・山宮浅間神社 ・須山浅間神社 ・白糸の滝 ・三保松原 が挙げられます。特に白糸の滝は近くにある白糸自然公園を併せて巡ると、良い散歩ができると思います。また三保松原は長い松林が伸びていて歩きやすくなっているので、こちらも散歩するには良いかと思います。ただし松林と富士山を一緒に綺麗に写せる場所は、かなりピンポイントなため、確認の上で来訪ください。  また、静岡県唯一の国宝建築物である、久能山東照宮の参拝も良いかと思います。健脚であれば海側から、そうでなければ日本平ロープウェイを利用しての参
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AB Hotel Fuji
4.2/529 Reviews
|1.2km from city center
It's a little from the center of Fuji City, but it's convenient to use by car. There is also a free parking lot, and it's nice to see Mt. Fuji well. There is no convenience store nearby to walk, but there is one if it is a fast food shop. The hotel facilities are new and clean. The lobby feels wider than it looks. The room is large enough for one person. The writing desk is large and is perfect for business. From the room, you can see the vicinity of Mt. Fuji, but to see the whole, you can see the emergency exit of the bridge in the passage. The bathtub is deep and the hot water temperature is easy to adjust. I'm glad there is a large bath. Breakfast is buffet style. The type of menu is just about this if it is breakfast. There is a healthy menu. Cospa is a high hotel. It is a good hotel for sightseeing Mt. Fuji.
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Hotel Route Inn Shinfuji Ekiminami
4.3/573 Reviews
|3.01km from city center
It is located on National Highway No. 1 south of Shin-Fuji Station. This is a new hotel. There are many rooms, and you can see Mt. Fuji from the windows of the rooms. Breakfast was a free buffet and corona measures were in place. The room had a large sofa, table and bath. It was a very satisfying hotel.
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Kuretake-Inn Fujisan
4.1/535 Reviews
|0.18km from city center
The hotel with free breakfast has experience staying with color 々, but it was the top class delicious among them. However, the restaurant is small, so it may be full soon. Call me waiting in the room, but if you are in a hurry, it is a must-see. The grand Fuji mountain when you open the window. It was a great view. There are few parking lots and in some cases it is far away. In a difficult way, the bathroom was not very clean and there was mold in the corner 々. I don't care particularly, so I will repeat it if I have a chance. There was a large bath, and it was possible to lend it, but the time zone that could be rented was halfway.
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14 Guesthouse Mt.Fuji
4.2/51 Reviews
|1.03km from city center
D old but 100 points for a rooftop
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Super Hotel Fuji Inter
4.3/52 Reviews
|0.44km from city center
Very convenient hotel, not far from there are seven, restaurants, self-driving, about 5 minutes there is Ji'an, game store, very good!
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Business Hotel AMS
4.3/52 Reviews
|2.91km from city center
It takes 10 minutes to take a straight road back to the hotel from Shin-Fuji Station. The original road is all residential. It takes about 6 minutes to walk through a small road to reach 7. It is quite dark when you go back at night. The room is right next to the railway and it is noisy. The owner only speaks English. Although you don't understand the language, the service will try its best to help you
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Hotel Nishi in Fujisan
3.6/56 Reviews
|0.98km from city center
The hearty breakfast makes people feel full of happiness and vitality. The room I booked was not too big, relatively speaking, it would be more crowded with more things, and the location of the hotel is quite convenient
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