217 Qingnian Road, Lianhu District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, ChinaView Hotel Details
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YUNZHU HOTEL Guest Reviews
1046 Reviews
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Guest User
Cloud Enjoyment Sunshine Double Bed Room
Checked in Jan 2024
14 Reviews
Posted on Feb 15, 2024
I went to the front desk to inquire about extending my stay. I saw that there was a cheaper room type on Ctrip. The boss denied that it was not available and asked me to refresh the page. When I refreshed, it was gone. During this period, I saw that he clicked on the computer. Clicking the mouse, I don’t know what’s going on. Is it necessary to do this in order to make an extra one or two hundred? If integrity is gone, do you expect good service?
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Response from Property: Dear guest, thank you for your stay. We are deeply sorry for the problems you mentioned. Because we are using a nationally networked hotel system, the computer system will automatically adjust the room rate according to the booking status at each time. Sometimes guests The room rates you see will change when displayed. At the same time, the hotel will not provide selective services based on the room rates booked by guests. We will do our best to provide high-quality services to every guest staying in the hotel 24 hours a day. At the same time, we There will also be dedicated personnel to conduct telephone follow-up visits during the guest's stay and after departure. If we did not satisfy you, we deeply apologize again. At the same time, you can also give us a chance to make corrections. We look forward to having you come home again and let you Feel our sincerity! Looking forward to your return! I wish you a happy new year and a happy family!
Special Queen Room
Checked in Nov 2023
5 Reviews
Posted on Jan 22, 2024
The air conditioning in the room is very average. There is obviously a problem with the heating. I have to make do with sleeping. Who knows how to cover your nose with a quilt to ensure that your nose is not cold when you exhale and inhale. I will never stay in this hotel again.
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Response from Property: Dear guest, thank you for staying at Yunzhu Hotel (Xi'an Huimin Street Sajinqiao Branch)! First of all, Xiaoyun is very sorry for the inconvenience caused to your stay. Xiaoyun deeply apologizes. The air conditioner in Xiaoyun's room needs to be adjusted by opening the panel. The default setting of the air conditioner is automatic wind, so the wind blowing out is neither cold nor hot. You can contact the hotel staff 24 hours a day to control all the electronic products in the room for you. Xiaoyun is at your service 24 hours a day. Secondly, Xiaoyun hopes that you can give Xiaoyun a chance to make amends and provide you with a more cost-effective stay experience. Is it possible for you to apologize for the compensation? If you see Xiaoyun's reply, Xiaoyun also hopes that you can choose to contact Xiaoyun. I would like to express my apology for your stay again and apologize for our failure to solve the problem for you in time. I hope you will have the opportunity to choose YUNZHU again; and finally, I wish you: always smile and have a happy family!
Guest User
Cloud Enjoyment Preferred Double Bed Room
Checked in Aug 2023
1 Reviews
Posted on Sep 20, 2023
When I booked the room, I didn't notice that there were no windows and the whole room was airtight. Although there was an air purifier, it was very noisy and I couldn't sleep with it on. There was a corridor in the middle and the sound of the door opening in the next room made my husband think he was driving us. Room! ! It's just that the ladies at the front desk are very enthusiastic...other words can't be said.
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Response from Property: Dear guest! Thank you for your stay! Because we have a variety of room types, we also blame us for not informing you clearly when you checked in that this room has no windows. Again, we have given timely feedback to the hotel manager. Please contact us as soon as possible so that we can We bring you the effect of the renovated room! Come and experience our different room types at the same time! We are also trying to contact you, and we hope you can contact us. We are just a stop on your journey. We hope that our services will make you feel our sincerity! Yunzhu Hotel is waiting for your arrival!
Response from Property: 尊敬的客官,感謝您入住雲築酒店(鐘鼓樓灑金橋地鐵站店),很遺憾沒為您帶來滿意的入住體驗,。您預訂的房間是惠選雙床,為了您住的舒適,我們幫您升級了一下房型,一張1.8的床 和一張1.2的床。房間的貼膜問題我們會及時處理,感謝您的意見。房間床頭的軟包上面的是顏色膏殘留,比較頑固,已經沁入,我們也在進行深度清潔。進行及時整改的呢,如果您能看到小雲的回覆,小雲想做到最好,做到更好,為每一個入住雲築的顧客一個滿意的出行之旅,開心的入住之所;最後,小雲祝您生活愉快,開開心心每一天!
Response from Property: 親愛的主人大大,感謝您入住雲築酒店(鐘鼓樓灑金橋地鐵站店)!謝謝您在芸芸酒店中選擇在雲築酒店小憩,也許是緣分,也許是命中註定,又或是冥冥之中讓我們可以給您增添一份美好的回憶.您簡單的點評,您全五分的肯定,都是我們前進的動力!能為您服務是我們的榮幸!您要是喜歡有空就再來呀,我們和您約定不見不散!您常回來看看!
Response from Property: 親愛的客官,非常感謝您入住雲築酒店(鐘鼓樓灑金橋地鐵站店)!感謝您的入住與讚賞!我們會及時給每一位客官解決與處理他們需要的幫助或疑問的哦,做到性價比高的酒店服務。小雲很高興能為您的出遊帶來美好的時光。您的讚賞給予小雲很大的鼓舞,也是我們進步的動力,我們會繼續保持熱忱,致力讓每一位顧客享有賓至如歸的入住感受,熱切期待您的再次光臨!祝您新年快樂!
Response from Property: 親愛的客官,感謝您入住雲築酒店(鐘鼓樓灑金橋地鐵站店)!看到您大大的5行好評,讓我們覺得所有付出都是值得的,同時酒店就是要打造3星的價格,5星的服務!常感謝客官對我們雲築酒店的滿意與肯定,做到讓客人滿意只是我們的起點,驚喜和感動才是我們的目標,我們會不斷努力,繼續加油,期待您的下次入住,我們將會給您提供更多的貼心服務,同時也希望您可以將雲築推薦給您更多的朋友,感激不盡!
Response from Property: 親愛的小主,非常感謝您入住雲築酒店(鐘鼓樓灑金橋地鐵站店)!看到您給小雲點評了如此多真是感動萬分,貼心的小主,感謝您在西安出行的日子選擇了我們雲築酒店入住,能為您提供滿意的服務是我們的榮幸。我們始終相信好的口碑和服務一定是從您的滿意度傳播出去的,同時我們很榮幸能夠為您提供優質的服務,如果有機會您再來陝西,小雲仍然會竭盡全力為您帶來更好的服務!祝您生活愉快!
Response from Property: 親愛的客官,感謝您入住雲築酒店(鐘鼓樓灑金橋地鐵站店)!非常感謝客官對我們雲築酒店的滿意與肯定,做到讓客人滿意只是我們的起點,驚喜和感動才是我們的目標,我們會不斷努力,繼續加油,期待您的下次入住,我們將會給您提供更多的貼心服務,同時也希望您可以將雲築酒店推薦給您更多的朋友,感激不盡!
Response from Property: 親愛的小主!感謝您入住雲築酒店(鐘鼓樓灑金橋地鐵站店)!小雲很開心您能與我們分享您的入住體驗,我們始終堅信繼續加油給小主最貼心的服務,最愉快的出行之旅,最放心的入住;希望給每位小主帶來家一樣的温馨感覺,再次感謝您對我們的肯定,希望下次還能給您滿意的服務,也希望您把小雲多多推薦給您身邊的親朋好友哦~期待你再次“回家”呦~
Response from Property: 親愛的小主!感謝您入住雲築酒店(鐘鼓樓灑金橋地鐵站店)!小雲很開心您能與我們分享您的入住體驗,我們始終堅信繼續加油給小主最貼心的服務,最愉快的出行之旅,最放心的入住;希望給每位小主帶來家一樣的温馨感覺,再次感謝您對我們的肯定,希望下次還能給您滿意的服務,也希望您把小雲多多推薦給您身邊的親朋好友哦~期待你再次“回家”呦~
Response from Property: 親愛的客官,感謝您入住雲築酒店(鐘鼓樓灑金橋地鐵站店)!看到您大大的5行好評,讓我們覺得所有付出都是值得的,同時酒店就是要打造3星的價格,5星的服務!常感謝客官對我們雲築酒店的滿意與肯定,做到讓客人滿意只是我們的起點,驚喜和感動才是我們的目標,我們會不斷努力,繼續加油,期待您的下次入住,我們將會給您提供更多的貼心服務,同時也希望您可以將雲築推薦給您更多的朋友,感激不盡!
Response from Property: 親愛的小主大大!感謝您入住雲築酒店(鐘鼓樓灑金橋地鐵站店)!看到您的點評,小雲十分的開心,很榮幸我們的服務得到您的評價,我們會一貫保持熱情真摯地為每一位客人服務。舒適、靜謐、温暖、樸實的住宿空間是小雲所有工作人員致力為您打造的生活方式,小雲很期待您有空再來看看哦,祝:生活愉快!
Response from Property: 親愛的小主人!感謝您入住雲築酒店(鐘鼓樓灑金橋地鐵站店)!非常感謝您在百忙之中抽出您的寶貴時間,給我們小雲做5分點評,也感謝您的照片反饋哦,更感謝您能選擇我們雲築酒店,我們對每位客人提供優質的服務沒有終點,感謝有您的陪伴!小雲房間設備和日用品都要求高標準,用心去做。力爭為每一位客人有更好的入住感受。真誠期待您的再次光臨!祝您生活愉快!