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Train from Tongchuandong to Xianyang

Trip.comTrainsLow-cost Trains from Tongchuandong to Xianyang

Tongchuandong to Xianyang Train Journey Information

Train fares from


Shortest duration

2h 24m



Trains per day

Around 1

Business class

Not available

Sleeper trains

Not available

Tongchuandong to Xianyang Train Times

Today 13:56, Mon, Apr 29

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      Tongchuandong to Xianyang Train Journey Information

      • How much does a train ticket from Tongchuandong to Xianyang cost?

        Train fares fromUS$2.97

        The price for train tickets from Tongchuandong to Xianyang starts at around US$2.97. Train ticket prices tend to vary based on a few factors, such as the type of the train, the seat class. We recommend using to find cheap train tickets for your next journey and booking online in advance.

        Train fares from


      • Is there business class on trains from Tongchuandong to Xianyang?

        Business classNot available

        Yes, there is business class on trains from Tongchuandong to Xianyang, but not many seats are available. We recommend booking your ticket in advance on

        Business class

        Not available

      • What is the shortest duration for trains from Tongchuandong to Xianyang?

        Shortest duration2h 24m

        The shortest train ride from Tongchuandong to Xianyang takes around 2h 24m.

        Shortest duration

        2h 24m

      • Is there a direct train from Tongchuandong to Xianyang?


        Yes, there are trains that go directly from Tongchuandong to Xianyang with no transfers required.



      • How many trains travel from Tongchuandong to Xianyang per day?

        Trains per dayAround 1

        On average, around 1 trains travel from Tongchuandong to Xianyang per day between the times of 15:00 and 15:00.

        Trains per day

        Around 1

      • What train stations can be found in Tongchuandong and Xianyang?

        No. of Train StationsAround 1

        Train station(s) in Tongchuandong: Tongchuandong. Train station(s) in Xianyang: Xianyang.

        No. of Train Stations

        Around 1

      • Are there sleeper trains from Tongchuandong to Xianyang?

        Sleeper trainsNot available

        Yes, there are sleeper trains from Tongchuandong to Tongchuandong. The duration is around Tongchuandong hours.

        Sleeper trains

        Not available

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