Train from Milan to Paris

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Milan to Paris Train Prices and Times

To find the cheapest train tickets from Milan to Paris, it is recommended to book in advance and avoid traveling during peak times. Compare the train prices and times below for the best deals on rail fares.

  • Apr 27
  • Apr 28
  • Apr 29
  • Apr 30
  • May 1
  • May 2
  • May 3

Sorry,no trains available.Please choose another date.

Milan to Paris Train Route Details

The Milan to Paris train ticket is from . The average travel time is , covering a distance of approximately . There are usually daily trains provided by . To plan your train journey in advance, please refer to our train route table below.

First train
Last train
Departure station
Arrival station
Journey time
Train operators

How to Book Cheap Train Tickets in Italy?

There are some tips to save on your train fare, such as booking in advance, avoiding peak travel times, considering regional trains and taking advantage of discounts. With these tips, you can buy cheap train tickets and enjoy your train journey.

Book in advance

Book in advance

Advance tickets are usually available for purchase 12 weeks before your travel and save an average of 61% on your tickets.

Avoid peak travel times

Avoid peak travel times

Off-Peak fares are cheaper tickets for travelling at less busy times during weekdays, and all day on weekends.

Discounts at

Discounts at frequently offers promotions and discounts, so follow us to stay updated on train fares.

Consider regional trains

Consider regional trains

In Italy, regional trains are typically more affordable than high-speed trains. You can consider them to save money with a flexible schedule.