
Brighton to Banbury Trains From US$29.32

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Buy cheap train tickets from Brighton to Banbury for just US$29.32. Book in advance to secure the most affordable fare, instead of the average ticket price of US$66.03. The train journey from Brighton to Banbury typically takes approximately 2h 49m. You can expect a frequency of 61 trains available daily. For further information, please consult our Train Journey Planner and Train Timetable.

Brighton to Banbury Train Prices and Times

To find the cheapest train tickets from Brighton to Banbury, it is recommended to book in advance and avoid traveling during peak times. Compare the train prices and times below for the best deals on rail fares.

  • Apr 18
  • Apr 19
  • Apr 20
  • Apr 21
  • Apr 22
  • Apr 23
  • Apr 24
  1. 07:39

    3h 0m

    Changes required

    Train G22379-9S10 is operated by Thameslink. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain G07587-1G19 is operated by Chiltern Railways. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–Fri


    From US$101.78
  2. 08:09

    2h 59m

    Changes required

    Train G22328-9S12 is operated by Thameslink. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain G07700-1R21 is operated by Chiltern Railways. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–Fri


    From US$101.78
  3. 08:39

    3h 9m

    Changes required

    Train G22391-9S14 is operated by Thameslink. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain G07854-1U23 is operated by Chiltern Railways. The speed of this train is 75km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–Fri


    From US$101.78
  4. 08:39

    3h 17m

    Changes required

    Train G22391-9S14 is operated by Thameslink. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain L65687-1V42 is operated by Great Western Railway. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain G24843-1M38 is operated by CrossCountry. The speed of this train is 125km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–Fri


    From US$28.19
  5. 09:14

    2h 54m

    Changes required

    Train P51684-9S16 is operated by Thameslink. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain G07703-1R25 is operated by Chiltern Railways. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–Fri


    From US$72.47
  6. 09:14

    3h 13m

    Changes required

    Train P51684-9S16 is operated by Thameslink. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain L65688-1V43 is operated by Great Western Railway. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain G24642-1E40 is operated by CrossCountry. The speed of this train is 125km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–Fri


    From US$28.19
  7. 09:44

    2h 55m

    Changes required

    Train P51690-9S18 is operated by Thameslink. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain G07588-1G27 is operated by Chiltern Railways. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–Fri


    From US$72.47
  8. 09:44

    3h 12m

    Changes required

    Train P51690-9S18 is operated by Thameslink. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain L65689-1V44 is operated by Great Western Railway. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain G24849-1M42 is operated by CrossCountry. The speed of this train is 125km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–Fri


    From US$28.19
  9. 10:14

    2h 54m

    Changes required

    Train P51694-9S20 is operated by Thameslink. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain G07706-1R29 is operated by Chiltern Railways. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–Fri


    From US$72.47
  10. 10:44

    3h 2m

    Changes required

    Train P51700-9S22 is operated by Thameslink. The speed of this train is 100km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–FriTrain G07855-1U31 is operated by Chiltern Railways. The speed of this train is 75km/h.
Days of operation: Mon–Fri


    From US$72.47
    View Later Trains

    Brighton to Banbury Train Route Details

    The Brighton to Banbury train ticket is from US$29.32. The average travel time is 2h 49m, covering a distance of approximately 160 mile. There are usually 61 daily trains provided by London Underground. To plan your train journey in advance, please refer to our train route table below.

    First train
    Last train
    Departure station
    Arrival station
    Journey time
    2h 49m
    160 mile
    Train operators
    London Underground

    Choose Brighton to Banbury Train Ticket Types

    Find the train ticket type that best suits your travels from Brighton to Banbury. Discover more about these ticket types and how they can help you save in our guides below.

    Off-Peak & Super-Off Peak train tickets

    Off-Peak & Super-Off Peak train tickets

    Off-Peak tickets are cheaper and more flexible, allowing for travel during less busy times. Super Off-Peak tickets are even cheaper and are perfect for less conventional schedules.

    Learn More
    Return train tickets

    Return train tickets

    Valid for both an outward and return journey from the same destination on your chosen route.

    Learn More
    Advance train tickets

    Advance train tickets

    Typically the most cost-effective option for train travel. They are usually available for purchase 12 weeks before the travel date.

    Learn More
    Season train tickets

    Season train tickets

    Season tickets allow unlimited travel between two stations and can save you more than 1/3 on train fares.

    Learn More

    See More TIcket Types

    Save 1/3 on Brighton to Banbury Trains with Railcards

    Railcards offering up to 1/3 off Brighton to Banbury train fares for eligible passengers. There are Student Railcards for young people, Senior Railcard for seniors, check below to find the railcard type that suits you best.

    16-25 Railcard1/3 OFFFrom US$66.03 Save US$21.80
    26-30 Railcard1/3 OFFFrom US$66.03 Save US$21.80
    Two Together Railcard1/3 OFFFrom US$66.03 Save US$21.80
    Senior Railcard1/3 OFFFrom US$66.03 Save US$21.80

    Learn More

    Save More on Brighton to Banbury Train Fares

    Found out more ways to save money on your train travel.

    Book in Advance

    Book in Advance

    Advanced train tickets are typically the most cost-effective option for train travel. They are usually available for purchase 12 weeks before the travel date.

    Group Travel

    Group Travel

    Get a 1/3 discount on Off-Peak tickets through GroupSave if you are traveling with a group of 3 to 9 adults.

    Season Tickets

    Season Tickets

    A weekly or monthly train pass which includes unlimited travel between two stations. It could help you save more than 1/3 on train fares.

    Flexi Travel

    Flexi Travel

    8 days of unlimited travel between two stations within a 28-day period.

    Brighton to Banbury train FAQs

    • When is the first train from Brighton to Banbury?

      The first train from Brighton to Banbury is at 04:12.
    • Are there direct trains from Brighton to Banbury?

      No, there is no direct train from Brighton to Banbury, and passengers would need to make 3 changes during the journey.
    • How long is the train journey from Brighton to Banbury ?

      The train journey from Brighton to Banbury typically takes an average of 3h 21m, with the fastest journey duration being around 2h 49m.
    • How much is a train from Brighton to Banbury ?

      The cost of a train from Brighton to Banbury can vary, with the cheapest fare typically starting at US$29.32 and the average price being around US$66.03.
    • What times are off-peak trains from Brighton to Banbury ?

      In general, the off-peak period typically starts after 09:30 and excludes the evening rush hours of 15:30-18:15 for travel to and from major cities. The specific times may differ depending on the route and train company, but generally, you can expect off-peak times to fall outside the usual commuting hours. For Transport for London, off-peak times are observed on weekdays from the first service until 06:30, from 09:30 to 16:00, and after 19:00.