Train from Jinyeong to Hwamyeong

Fri, Apr 26

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Jinyeong to Hwamyeong Train Times

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Jinyeong to Hwamyeong train FAQs

  • When is the first train from Jinyeong to Hwamyeong?

    The first train from Jinyeong to Hwamyeong is at 08:30.

  • Are there direct trains from Jinyeong to Hwamyeong?

    Yes, there are direct trains from Jinyeong to Hwamyeong, operated by Korail.

  • How long is the train journey from Jinyeong to Hwamyeong ?

    The train journey from Jinyeong to Hwamyeong typically takes an average of 40m, with the fastest journey duration being around 37m.

  • What times are off-peak trains from Jinyeong to Hwamyeong ?

    In general, the off-peak period typically starts after 09:30 and excludes the evening rush hours of 15:30-18:15 for travel to and from major cities. The specific times may differ depending on the route and train company, but generally, you can expect off-peak times to fall outside the usual commuting hours. For Transport for London, off-peak times are observed on weekdays from the first service until 06:30, from 09:30 to 16:00, and after 19:00.

Jinyeong to Hwamyeong Train Journey Information

First train


Last train


Departure station


Arrival station


Journey time





Train operators

  • Korail's Exclusive Overseas Distributor

    A platform you can trust

  • E-ticket Boarding

    Save time and skip the line

  • Multiple Currencies Accepted

    Payments are secured using the latest industry standards

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