Yellow River Steel Bridge
Yellow River Steel Bridge
Yellow River Steel Bridge

Photos of Yellow River Steel Bridge

The Yellow River Steel Bridge is also known as Zhongshan Bridge. It is one of Lanzhou’s most famous landmarks and a must-see for visitors. This steel bridge was built in the waning years of the Qing Dynasty. At that time, it was the first bridge that the Yellow River that could be used the whole year round. All of the materials used in the German-designed steel bridge was imported from Germany and work on the construction was overseen by German engineers. The north terminus of the Yellow River Steel Bridge is just beneath the famous Baita (White Pagoda) Mountain. Atop the mountain are many ancient relics and monuments. Many people like to climb the mountain to take photos of the panoramic view of Lanzhou and the Yellow River Steel Bridge.

Reviews on Yellow River Steel Bridge

中山桥原名兰州黄河铁桥,桥长234米,宽7.5米,为一座有六墩五孔的钢桁架+弧形钢架结构桥。甘肃省著名书法家黎泉书“黄河第一桥”五个大字,欹侧方棱,苍劲浑穆,尽显大师风范。中山 桥是 中国 近代史上, 甘肃 人自主、自愿与西方人进行纯经济、技术上合作的一座桥梁。然而,其建设过程并非一帆风顺,期间多有摩擦,经过多方据理力争,最终建成,并运行一百年后依然巍然屹立在黄河之上。作为黄河上修建最早和唯一保存至今的近现代钢架梁桥, 中山 桥已集使用、历史和文物价值于一身。它就像一部史诗,飧刻着 兰州 古往今来历史的变迁,展示了 兰州 人民灿烂艺术的画卷,光绪三十二年(1906)九月十一日, 甘肃 洋务总局与 德国 泰来 洋行正式签订黄河铁桥包修合同;全部建桥材料于光绪三十三年(1907)从 德国 海运到 天津 ,再从 天津 转运至 兰州 。从 天津 到 兰州 的数千里路途上,一条由火车、骡马组成的运输长龙,翻山跃岭,风餐露宿,历时近两年,终于将全部材料一站站转运至 兰州 。经过华洋工匠共同努力,铁桥于宣统元年(1909)八月十九日竣工投运。宣统二年(1910)四月二十五,陕甘总督长庚就铁桥工程用款上奏宣统皇帝称,包括包修价、运输价及各项支出费用,铁桥“实用库平银三十万六千六百九十一两八钱九分八厘四毫九丝八忽”,1928年,为纪念孙 中山 先生,由当时的 甘肃 省主席刘郁芬手书的“ 中山 桥”匾额,悬挂于铁桥南面的牌厦上,“第一桥”从此改名 中山 桥,沿用至今;1989年铁桥保固期满后 德国 有关方面曾致函 兰州 市政府,在询问铁桥状况的同时,申明合同到期。中山 桥的北岸有白塔山公园。远处,白塔寺中的白塔隐约可见,站在 中山 桥上向西远眺黄河景色。清·张澍《闲游黄河岸》一片孤城枕石关,河流飞入断云间。滔滔东去谁能挽,赖有 龙门 底柱山

Attractions Near Yellow River Steel Bridge

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Restaurants Near Yellow River Steel Bridge

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