Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Photos of Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

One of the architectural wonders of the world, The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, is truly an amazing sight to behold for any lover of architecture. The Cathedral was built in the mid 1800s, but the Soviets destroyed the building in 1931 when they were taking over Moscow. Through a labor of love the Cathedral was rebuilt and was reopened in 2000. The Cathedrial stands out in Moscow with its massive golden domes and towering marble and granite columns. The Cathedrial is also adorned with icons from the Orthodox Russian faith which includes mosaics and other extremely impressive pieces of art.

Reviews on Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

俄罗斯的教堂很常见,在俄罗斯的这段时间,都不知道走过多少个教堂了,有一次路过一个很复古的教堂,半掩着大门,正犹豫要不要进去,刚好过来一个年迈弯着腰的老婆婆,示意我替她开门,并让我一起进去,戴上教堂准备的头巾,正赶上做礼拜,着盛装的牧师在最前方讲道,唱诗班在一旁献唱,很多人,有拄着拐杖的老人,也有萌懂的孩童在虔诚的一边读经一边祷告,我就站在角落里,怀着敬畏之心,听着教堂的钟一声声敲响,感受着信仰的力量。 突然明白那教堂是有生命的,不仅仅是一个美丽的建筑,更是灵魂的寄托。 后来走在路上遇到教堂,都会大胆的推门进去,有时赶上做礼拜,就站在角落~ 参观著名的救世主大教堂的时候,需要女孩都蒙上头巾,而且不能穿裙子,男人不能穿短裤,排队时安检的大叔把前后左右不符合的人都拒之门外,看了看我,可能想让我这个黄皮肤的人感受一下教堂的魅力,很和蔼的让我进去。 刚走进教堂的大厅,就被四周壁画雕刻的雄伟壮观所震撼,当抬头望着穹顶的壁画,栩栩如生,仿佛一个人置身于这个大教堂,在神明的怀抱里,平和安详,那种感觉以至于无论何时想起,好像就站在那座教堂里,是一颗在内心里深深落下的印记。 有时候,有些风景只是如烟的传说, 有时候,有些风景只有身在其中,顿然领悟~ 若一场美丽的邂逅~

Attractions Near Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Monument to Alexander II
Monument to Alexander II
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Prechistenskaya Embankment
Prechistenskaya Embankment
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Gregory Pototsky Art Gallery
Gregory Pototsky Art Gallery
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Restaurants Near Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Pinzeria by Bontempi
Pinzeria by Bontempi
4.6/511 Reviews
4.6/58 Reviews
EastOK Restaurant
EastOK Restaurant
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Hotels Near Cathedral of Christ the Saviour