
Mount Wuling Review

4.5 /5448 Reviews
文笔有限,写成流水账,供大家参考。 2020年7月18日早6点才家出发,走津蓟高速—津围公路—233国道—556省道—262乡道到达目的地雾灵山南门,之间发生一个小插曲,有一段近路由于前一天下雨地道积水不能通过只好改道多用了半小时。 上午10点过了才到正门。在林海云天观景亭停留10分钟,因为昨天下雨的缘故,只看见雾蒙蒙的一片,远处的山峦看不清,到是有种人间仙境之感。“树石奇观”有不同形状的巨石,感慨在石缝中还能茁壮生长的野草。 在携程订的莲花池宾馆,住宿一般隔音相当差,感觉两间客房直接就隔着张纸,饭菜不好吃,大家要是吃千万不要点所谓的特色菜, 菜味道很咸,不是一般的咸,洗澡水很热,洗的还舒服,山上真冷,穿半袖有点凉,当然不怕冷的没事。我和老公先到宾馆洗了个澡。 11点出发,开始没认真看路(这里有要说明一下景区标识不是很显眼,一定看好了路线),先开了十几分钟去山顶的路,又折返去龙潭景区(山顶除了日落云海日出没有什么景色),估计快12点了到达龙潭景区,坐往返索道80/人,到达龙潭瀑布,龙潭瀑布虽然不宽但还是可以看看的,(这里有一段台阶)。继续向下走,可能是我们选了午饭时间人非常少,前后看不见人,听不到人声,难得幽静,一路享受只属于我们的风光。小壶口瀑布比龙潭景区不差,比之宽但落差小,可能只有我们两个人的缘故,我很喜欢。很想塔个小房子住着逃离都市。一路小溪潺潺,让我想起电影“少林寺”里的“牧羊曲”。快走到西门了往回返,人开始多了,我特庆幸自己没在宾馆吃午饭出来的决定。 回来走的有点急,还挺累,出了一身汗,差不多3点回到龙潭景区停车场,继续清凉界景区。清凉界景区一路只有一些山峰,而且景区标识也不是很明显,我们一路看一楼猜,有的路段会有能够停3.4辆车的地方让你看看,不过不如路上看的漂亮,雾灵金山没感觉出来,可能是没出太阳吧,到了清凉界碑倒是让我惊叹古人怎么在这么高的大石上刻字的,稍作休息返回,在马上到龙潭景区停车场时有两个小观景台可以去看看,老公说不比黄山的雾松差。回到宾馆差不多快6点了。 吃了晚饭在宾馆周围遛弯,找到了“芙蓉亭”“忍者”,发现了一种花叫“短毛独活”。开车去山顶,由于疫情山顶宾馆没开业,有几个摄影爱好者在等日落,可惜雾太大什么也没看见,我们趁着天还亮冲破浓雾回到宾馆。 第二天早上6点又去山顶看云海(因为怕雾大看不见日出就没早去),云海还是很漂亮的,我只有手机所有照片很菜,虽然设备不行但是景色仍旧拍的不错(所以说好的风景最重要)。不过真冷,有一位大哥为了拍照直接睡袋在轿车过了一夜,他说11点时看到银河了也没白挨冻。大家要想看一定穿防寒服,保暖裤,我被冻成狗(虽然早上7点,只呆了半小时)。 7点多返回宾馆吃早餐(15元一位,一个煮蛋,一些咸菜,花卷馒头棒面粥),退房开车去仙人塔景区。 路上又路过林海云天观景亭,又是一番景色,太阳出来了,有种佛光普照的感觉,但是山腰还有雾气。 9点到了仙人塔景区停车场,爬了许多台阶,中间有一个小瀑布可以看仙人塔的一部分,在最高处可以看清整个仙人塔。 走回停车场,在一个不起眼的小口下山就是“十八潭”,我们走到“乾坤瀑”就返回了(怕体力不够回家,转天还要上班,打算明年再去,溜溜溜剩下的部分)。开车返回南门的路上第三次上了“林海云天观景亭”雾散了,有幸看到了彩虹🌈。 总结,给第一次去的朋友们,1、自驾是必须的2、对吃饭要求高的朋友最好自己带吃的3、想看日出日落云海的朋友多带衣物4、一天时间肯定不够,两天差不多5、比较好的景色在龙潭景区和仙人塔景区,如果想溜全,我觉得要三天

Mount Wuling

Posted: Jul 20, 2020
105 person liked this
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  • 布晓呆
    Original Text

    Wuling Mountain is a national nature reserve, with a forest coverage rate of 93%, and the main peak is 2118 meters above sea level, which is one of the peaks of Yanshan Mountain. It has "peach blossoms under the mountain, snowflakes on the mountain", "rainy under the mountain, sunny on the mountain", "has three miles of different days, one mountain has three seasons".

    Posted: Jun 7, 2022
  • 闲旅山野
    Original Text

    At the junction of Beijing and Chengde, Yanshan is the highest peak, there are not many people, and the landscape is amazing. The scenic spot is very large. The south gate to the north gate and the top of the mountain have been repaired. It is not tired to drive all the way. The scenic spots along the way are very unique. The oxygen-rich ions are high. It is worth playing for a day!

    Posted: Sep 16, 2021
  • 首席监理
    Original Text

    Hebei Wulingshan National Nature Reserve is located in the north of Xinglong County, Hebei Province, the main peak Wuling Mountain is 2118 meters high, known as the "first peak of Jingdong". Located in the middle of Beijing, Tianjin, Tang and Chengsi City, Wulingshan Nature Reserve treasures a more complete forest ecosystem, nearly 6,000 kinds of biological resources, rich in content, is an ideal natural laboratory for ecology, animals, plants, environment, hydrology, geology, soil and other disciplines. It is also a good teaching practice base. The protected area is mainly forest landscape, which has become a green barrier and an important water supply area for the protection of Beijing and Tianjin.

    Posted: Aug 21, 2021
  • 781住上铺
    Original Text

    Eleven holidays and boyfriend drove to, conscience recommended!!! Be sure to drive up to Beimen at 8 o'clock on time. On the way, you can see the fog facing. The mountains in the sea of clouds and fog are really beautiful. When we got down the mountain at noon, we couldn't see the fog. The road to the top of the hill still needs technical flow. When there are many people and cars, it will be blocked. Fortunately, my boyfriend's car is driving super-praised and has a safe journey. But I really saw the car driving into the ditch, and there are also slippers. In fact, the reason for the traffic jam is that everyone got out of the car to take photos, leading to the car can't go out, and we still need to talk about it. Quality.

    Posted: Oct 11, 2016
  • 趁年轻去疯吧
    Original Text

    On July 4, I drove to the main entrance. Because of the collapse of the northern route, many scenic spots were lost. Wuling Mountain was formerly called Fuling Mountain, which belongs to the Yanshan Mountains. It is magnificent and beautiful. Spirits sometimes float in the mountains with fog. It is amazing in nature and rare in vegetation. It is a good place for summer heat dissipation. In the hillside hotel that lives halfway up the mountain, Tucao must be tuckled, the accommodation condition is very poor, and the hygiene condition is worrying. When entering the hall, there will be a disgusting smell of the kitchen hutch. Worst of all, the rooms are separated, not the solid wall, and the next door can be heard by the farts!!! There is moss in the tap water. I doubt if the water for food is clean. In a word, the scenic spot is beautiful, the service on the mountain is not good, and the farmyard under the mountain is better.

    Posted: Aug 7, 2016
  • 笨笨哈
    Original Text

    Self-driving tour of Wulingshan Forest Park during the National Day holiday. Departure from Beijing in time 3.5 hour, arrive at the south gate of Wuling Mountain from Xinglong, Hebei. After purchasing the ticket, drive in, follow the road of the scenic spot, take a car all the way to see the scenery outside the window, and park at the scenic spot to see the scenery. Fairy Tall, Yiran Pavilion, Wuling Jinshan, Qingliang Jiebei,... Wuling Mountain main peak 2118 meters, windy and low temperature. Fortunately, I brought my own cotton clothes. The top platform also has cotton coats for rent. The car drives to the top of the mountain platform, and you have to walk a step to the top of the mountain. There are hotels and restaurants in the scenic area. Tickets for the scenic spot are 108 yuan, 60-65 half price, and more than 65 are free. Self-driving cars do not charge fares. It took more than 4 hours to walk from the south gate to the north gate and stop. Maybe it saves time on weekdays. It takes 1500 meters to go to Longmen Waterfall, and time and physical strength are not enough and give up. Take the cable car for 80 yuan. The scenic road is a cement road, the road is narrow, and you need to drive carefully. The west gate of the scenic spot cannot be entered by car, only on foot. In short, self-driving tour Wuling Mountain is a good experience.

    Posted: Oct 6, 2020
  • lishining
    Original Text

    The Wuling Mountain, which went to the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, was accompanied by two families and two cars for a long time. Due to overtime on the first day, the small holiday only departed from Beijing in the afternoon. Fortunately, the road was not far away. At this time, the road was not very blocked. It took nearly 3 hours to arrive at the north gate and then buy tickets (adults 120, children and the elderly 60, 60 per car) to enter the mountain. Climb all the way, after the Qingliangjie, Longtan Waterfall, arrived at the main peak, and stayed at the peak hotel. The Tiangong is not very beautiful, the clouds are more, the sunset is not seen, the next morning, the clouds are still a lot, the sunrise is not seen, but after the heavy rain at night, I saw the sky full of stars, and the next day I saw the rising sea of clouds, I still feel very worthwhile. To go to Longtan Waterfall to go down the mountain to go far, the road is a bit slippery, you can do the cable car, we are going down, take the cable car, but the waterfall is very general, the water volume is not large. The conditions of the peak hotel are average. After all, the location is too high and the construction is inconvenient, but the boss is very real, the price of the food and the amount of dishes are very conscience. Compared with the restaurant in the Lotus Pool Service Area in the middle, it must be complained. The price is twice the peak and the attitude is extremely poor! Overall, Wuling Mountain is still very good, especially suitable for summer heat, haha ~~

    Posted: May 31, 2017
  • _We***38
    Original Text

    It was such a coincidence that it was the day of closing the mountain. After a night of drizzling rain, the morning air of Wuling Mountain is particularly fresh and misty. As the car travels along Panshan Highway, there will be bright scenery and refreshing. Floating leaves embellish the road along the way, telling us how beautiful late autumn is, I listen all the way, all the way echo...

    Posted: Oct 16, 2016
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Mount Wuling Frequently Asked Questions

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Preston_Dominguez: Wuling Shan, Xinglong, Chengde, China
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Jeremy_Dodson: I recommended Mount Wuling,Immortal Tagoumen Scenic Spot,Ecological Agriculture Sightseeing Park
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Messiah_Dillon: Here are some hotels near Mount Wuling: ,,,,
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Judah_Dillard: You could try Hepannongjia,RAN RAN NONG GU,,,
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