
Roundhouse Park Review

4.5 /525 Reviews
多伦多公园游玩打卡,看这一篇就足够跟闺蜜下飞机后就是晚上二点的时间,我们一路都很兴奋,飞机上都没怎么休息,回到酒店简单吃了点后,激动的心情还是无法入睡,就静待天亮后的精彩游玩吧,这次我们主要也是听别的朋友介绍来的多伦多,主要想来这边散散心,放松一下心情。高地公园·樱花飘落的幽雅多伦多的公园有很多,但是这个高地公园是我必推的,这个公园非常漂亮,位于湖边空气也是非常的好,另外这个公园交通便利离机场近,风景优美,春天可以赏花,夏天来了可以戏水,秋天就是赏枫,冬天可以滑雪,是个一年四季都可以过来休闲娱乐的好地方,也很适应秋季带小孩前来游玩,散步,健身,烧烤,聊天等都可以,最好是选择5月份的时候过来游玩,这样就可以赶上这里的樱花季了开放时间:全天开放建议游玩时间:1-2小时俯看公园·加拿大首个国家公园公园之前是一个飞机场,是作为加拿大的军事基地使用的地方,后来改建后就成为了加拿大的首个国家公园,这个公园与其它公园的不同之处是,它定期会举办一些社区和各主题活动,园内设有体育中心、博物馆、还有工作室,是一个老少可以同乐的游乐场所,公园晚上的那个奇幻世界活动也非常不错,主要是以冰花为造型,五彩灯光炫彩迷人,整体观感还是很不错的开放时间:全天开放建议游玩时间:1-2小时汤米汤普森公园·候鸟们迁徙的场所这个公园最有看点的就是能看到了候鸟迁徙的场景,那感觉真是太震撼了,这里汇集了当地大约有三百余种鸟类,候鸟迁徙的场景时,天上黑压压的一遍,那些鸟类成群结队的往这里迁徙,这个时候整个公园都彻响着悦耳动听的鸣叫声,这觉得这种在电视里看到的场景也就是在这个公园才能见识到,真的一点都不假, 就算是你没有碰到候鸟迁徙的时期,这里也是景色相当优美,空气也很清新,反正就是相信我值得去一趟。开放时间:11月-次年3月9:00-16:30,4月-10月9:00-18:00建议游玩时间:2小时左右多伦多列岛公园·最受欢迎的湖心岛公园多伦多列岛公园是座落在一个湖心岛上的公园,也是是当地人最受欢迎的休闲娱乐的地方,这个公园适合大部份人群来游玩,这个列岛公园里面设有沙滩、喷泉、野餐区、骑车道还有步行道,也有小吃、酒吧,以及一些夏季营业的游乐场,在这里可以欣赏沙滩上的落日,也可以和恋人骑上双人自行车骑车道一边骑行一边游玩,这个是我最喜欢的项目了,里面也有专门的儿童游乐园,所以带了小孩也不怕没有玩的,反正里面玩的都挺齐全。开放时间:全天开放建议游玩时间:2-3小时左右多伦多扇形车库公园·最具个性的公园这个公园创建于1997年,位于多伦多的南部,是一个挺有意思的公园,这里的建筑都比较有特色。公园的前身是一个车库,可以看到扇形车库机房,平时我们在家里看卡通电视时,那个托马斯蒸汽小火车中看到过,不亏是老古董,公园的周围都是高楼,所以更加把公园显得空旷大气,这里还保留了数十辆蒸汽式火车,充满着浓浓的历史年代感,让大家有满满的回艺。 开放时间:全天开放建议游玩时间:1-2小时左右时间过得很快,一晃眼几天游玩时间过去了,我跟闺蜜虽然感觉每天都跟打仗一样的,很累但也是真的很好玩哦,真是乐此不疲,建议大家一定要来这里哦,带上小孩一起也是很适合的。期待下次!

Roundhouse Park

Posted: Apr 16, 2019
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  • roiberador

    I arrived there at night time and it was ok. There were lots of people.

    Posted: Aug 15, 2022
  • Yuhong
    Original Text

    Round House Park (Toronto Fan Garage Park), just under the CN Tower, diagonally opposite Ripley. Many old trains are free to visit on open green spaces. But the Railway Museum charges.

    Posted: Jun 13, 2022
  • M25***40
    Original Text

    For train lovers, it is really a paradise, there are many different types of exhibition trains, very beautiful, can be close contact, and there are detailed explanations next to it, very interesting, children like it too

    Posted: Dec 31, 2020
  • 十字小溪-Y
    Original Text

    To the south of the Toronto TV Tower is the open-air sector garage Park (ROUND HOUSE), actually with Toronto Railway Museum. This was the garage where the Canadian Pacific Railway repaired locomotives. The fan-shaped garage was connected by rails to the circular turntable in front, so that the locomotives could reach the tracks in all directions. The original warehouse has been transformed into "Steam Whistle Brewing" (whistle brewery), and some old warehouses have been converted into commodity shopping malls. There is a special introduction to the history of ROUND HOUSE, The COACH YARDS and COALING TOWER, as well as bicycle rental services. In Toronto's central area, there is such a large space to keep dozens of steam trains full of historical sense. It's so stylish to let people know the age of steam trains with full memories. Children must also like this place very much.

    Posted: Feb 1, 2017
  • 东山树
    Original Text

    Toronto Fan Garage Park was founded in 1997 at Toronto Railway Museum, 255 Bremner Boulevard, south of Toronto Convention Center. It used to be a garage for repairing locomotives on the Canadian Pacific Railway. In the fan-shaped garage, it passes through the rails to the front circular turntable to facilitate the locomotive to track in all directions. Many locomotive depots have similar buildings. Instead of demolishing the abandoned buildings, we built a Ruins Park in Toronto, preserved some locomotives and vehicles, transformed the original warehouse into a brewery "Steam Whistle Brewing" (whistle brewery, somebody called Ximing brewery), and built mini-railway stations, ticket houses, railways, and a small train for children to ride in, which made people happy. Understand or remember the past train years. Here, surrounded by tall buildings and needle-like tall buildings, but the park seems empty, and the next was the world's tallest TV tower, small trains and fan-shaped storehouses, real trains appear so small, but also set off the skyscraper's tall.

    Posted: May 31, 2018
  • Ruilin
    Original Text

    Round house is operated by Toronto Railway Culture Center. The thin rails bend and stretch, and the little foreigner boy jogs happily along the rails. Not far from the abandoned train is Union Station, where trains for Toronto Airport are running.

    Posted: Jun 11, 2017
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