
Photos of Nibacun

"Niba" is a Tibetan transliteration, meaning "Yangpo". Niba Village is an ancient and peculiar century-old village. It faces south from the north and is built on the mountain. The clear Cheba River winds through the village. The well-decorated Mani flags in front of the village are shaking in the wind. Looking at Niba Village from afar, the houses in the village are of the same architectural format, scattered in an orderly manner, row upon row, and antique. From low to high, the layers are stacked, and the households are connected to form a tight and spectacular defensive whole. At a glance at the sturdy structure and arrogant posture, it is clear that it is the need to prevent burglars and bandits and resist invasion in the war-torn era. Especially under the blue sky and white clouds, the highland barley poles on the roof of every household are as dense as cobwebs, crisscrossing each other, adding a sacred and mysterious color to the cottage. There are twists and turns of the plank roads everywhere in the village. These plank roads are fixed by the mountain on one side and supported by countless logs on the other side, which not only solves the traffic problem of people and animals on the hillside, but also expands the Tibetan village. Effective living area, people are accustomed to drying food on these wooden racks. The residences in the small villages are very dense, and the houses are connected by walls.

Reviews on Nibacun

尼巴村是卓尼县著名的百年藏寨,村民大部分居住在山上,以木制房子居多,放眼望去,层层叠叠,错落有致,村寨坐北朝南,洮河支流车巴河在村寨中逶迤流淌。这里至今仍保留着原始的半农半牧的生活方式,村寨中的居民日出而作,日落而息。而且这里有不少百岁老人,村寨中最长寿的老人曾活到114岁,我相信不只是卓尼天然纯净的居住环境延年益寿,藏传佛教的信仰所带来心境的纯净,是另一种长寿基因。尼巴村依山而起,逐水而居,村寨两边山上全是茂密的森林,旷地上分布着大小不等的草滩。村寨的房屋建筑形式类同,村寨中的住所十分稠密,家家围墙相连。尼巴村全民信仰藏传佛教,保留着浓郁的宗教气息。河边一座白塔,是村里人进行宗教活动的地方。塔的周边是排成廊的玛尼桶,有些大玛尼桶上拴着各色羊毛编织的绳子,绳子的另一头拴在廊柱上,拉动绳子,玛尼桶就会转动起来,同时拉几条绳子,就会同时转动几个玛尼桶,这是为藏族老人家准备的,这些羊毛绳可以让他们坐在地上拉动绳子就完成了转经的心愿。在这里,信仰是深深地根植于每一位村民的心中,并体现在生活的每个细节之处,每天都会固定先来到转经廊转动经筒。尼巴村游览Tips:1. 从卓尼县城到尼巴村有班车,每日对开,路经贡巴寺、麻路镇,系私人承包的,需到车站询问上车时间和地点。2. 如果想深度体验藏寨生活,建议在尼巴村住一个晚上,充分感受尼巴村风光与生活方式,村子山上的房屋比较简陋,山下的条件好点,可以和主人一起制作藏餐,住宿按人算,价格和主人商量,最安全保险的方式是叫尼巴村村支部书记带路去藏民家中,如有需要可在本游记里留言索要尼巴村村支部书记的联系方式。3. 尼巴村不生产蔬菜,可在卓尼的集贸市场买蔬菜带过去,藏族主妇做的面片汤、烩菜和藏式饺子都很美味。蕨麻猪肉是当地特产,但制作时间较久,吃的话需要提前预定。4.尼巴村还属于没有开发旅游的处女地,前往此处应持有尊重和谦恭的心态,尊重当地村民的生产生活和宗教活动的习惯,更不要追着村民尤其是老者拍照。

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