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Leipzig Book Fair 2025 | Leipziger Messe
Mar 27–Mar 30, 2025 (UTC-5)
Leipzig Book Fair will provide a platform to authors, readers and publishing companies meet to collect information, to engage in exchange and discover what is new Leipzig Book Fair will provide a platform to authors, readers and publishing companies meet to collect information, to engage in exchange and discover what is new. Look forward to diving deeply into the diverse theme areas and the extensive program.
Information Source: Leipziger Messe GmbH | expotobi
LESUNG: Dmitrij Kapitelman | Hugendubel Leipzig
Mar 28, 2025 (UTC+1)
Ein Buch, wie nur Dmitrij Kapitelman es schreiben kann: tragisch, zärtlich und komisch zugleich. Eine Familie aus Kyjiw verkauft russische Spezialitäten in Leipzig. Wodka, Pelmeni, SIM-Karten, Matrosenshirts - und ein irgendwie osteuropäisches Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl. Wobei, Letzteres ist seit dem russischen Überfall auf die Ukraine nicht mehr zu haben. Die Mutter steht an der Seite Putins. Und ihr Sohn, der keine Sprache mehr als die russische liebt, keinen Menschen mehr als seine Mutter, aber auch keine Stadt mehr als Kyjiw, verzweifelt. Klug ist es nicht von ihm, mitten im Krieg in die Ukraine zurückzufahren. Aber was soll er tun, wenn es nun einmal keinen anderen Weg gibt, um Mama vom Faschismus und den irren russischen Fernsehlügen zurückzuholen? 192 Seiten / 23,-€ / Hanser Verlag Hier geht's zum Buch ... Freuen Sie sich auf einen spannenden Abend mit Dmitrij Kapitelman am 28. März 2025 ab 20.15 Uhr in Ihrer Hugendubel Buchhandlung in Leipzig! Eine Veranstaltung zum Anlass der Leipziger Buchmesse 2025. Portrait: Dmitrij Kapitelman, 1986 in Kyjiw geboren, kam im Alter von acht Jahren als »Kontingentflüchtling« mit seiner Familie nach Deutschland. Er studierte Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie an der Universität Leipzig und absolvierte die Deutsche Journalistenschule in München. Heute arbeitet er als freier Journalist. 2016 erschien sein erstes, erfolgreiches Buch Das Lächeln meines unsichtbaren Vaters , für das er den Klaus-Michael Kühne-Preis gewann. 2021 folgte Eine Formalie in Kiew , für das er mit dem Buchpreis Familienroman der Stiftung Ravensburger Verlag ausgezeichnet wurde. Hinweise: Diese Veranstaltung kann in Bild und Ton zu PR-Zwecken aufgezeichnet werden. Bleiben Sie in Kontakt! YouTube| Instagram| Facebook
Information Source: Buchhandlung Hugendubel | eventbrite
Mitteldeutsche Handwerksmesse 2025 | Leipziger Messe
Feb 8–Feb 16, 2025 (UTC-5)
Mitteldeutsche Handwerksmesse offered products, services, and advice in the areas of construction, living, nutrition, health, and fashion, among others Mitteldeutsche Handwerksmesse offered products, services, and advice in the areas of construction, living, nutrition, health, and fashion, among others. It included special shows such as the Transparent Bakery, Transparent Butchery or Living Workshops.
Information Source: Leipziger Messe GmbH | expotobi
English Standup Comedy • Almost Legal Alien • Leipzig | Kabarett-Theater Sanftwut
Feb 17, 2025 (UTC+1)
Mustafa Algiyadi, a standup comedian based in Munich, brings his eclectic humor to the stage as he hilariously navigates the cultural clashes between his Libyan Arab roots and European life. The show dissects everything from bad habits and religion to meditation and coming of age tales with velvet sofas, all delivered with a semi-intellectual flair that adds to the severe imposter syndrome he has.
This show is perfect for anyone who has ever felt alienated, whether you’re an expat trying to fit in, a local curious about the intersection of cultures, or just looking for a fun night out. Press Reviews: The funniest thing in the world. - Broadway Baby Comedic prowess. - The Voice UK Breath of fresh air. - The Play’s The Thing UK Mustafa Algiyadi does it perfectly, Comedy that breaks down boundaries and tosses us out of our comfort zone, and done with vengeance, Rivers of laughter, A fearless piece of comedy that will shock and tickle you in a way no other show will. - Mumble UK Huge presence. - Phoenix Remix Finest traditions of compering. - Chortle
Audience Reviews: Absolutely loved the show! It was both super funny and had plenty of really important messages. Five stars! Mica - London Refreshing, polished, and genuinely entertaining. We can't recommend it enough! Five stars! Richard and Elenor - London Mustafa's act is quite polished, and one can tell that he regularly performs on stage. He cleverly interacts with his audience and makes them all very much involved in the performance. We found ourselves laughing pretty much the whole time. A must-watch! Five stars! Ben - Edinburgh Really authentically funny. Well observed and highly recommended. Five stars! Sarah - BrightonAbout Mustafa: Mustafa is the co-founder of Munich’s first weekly and longest-running English Stand-Up Comedy Club. He has a rich background in improv theater, trained at the renowned Second City in Chicago, which adds a unique spontaneity to his performances. Mustafa previewed Almost Legal Alien in London at the Museum of Comedy, further establishing his presence on the international comedy circuit. He has given tour support to comedy legends like Reggie Watts and Todd Barry, and he runs the English night at the comedy club of Germany’s acclaimed comedian, Michael Mittermeier. In 2023, Mustafa performed to over 12,600 people across Europe. His recent debut at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2024 was a resounding success, with 25 performances that earned him a spot in the critically acclaimed Best Jokes of the Edinburgh Fringe 2024 as featured in The Times and Edinburgh Evening News. He has also been featured in The Guardian, Sunday Post, and The Scotsman, and was highlighted as one of the top debuts to watch at the Edinburgh Fringe by The List UK and Edinburgh Evening News.
Upcoming Projects: Mustafa is taking his new show on tour across Europe in 2024 and 2025, performing in all major European cities. As a highlight of his tour, he will be performing at the prestigious Royal Albert Hall in London. The show will be held entirely in English. Tickets: Online: From 10 EuroAt the Door (No Reservation): 20 EuroDoors open at 20:00 For more information, visit MustafaAlgiyadi.com or follow @mustafa_algiyadi on social media. Join the journey and catch the rising star of European comedy
Information Source: Mustafa Algiyadi Comedy | eventbrite
Smash Comedy - die queerfeministische Stand Up Show | Karli Comedy Club
Mar 10, 2025 (UTC+1)
SMASH COMEDY goes LEIPZIG! Hamburgs queerfeministische Stand Up Comedy Show geht auf Tour, und macht Station im KARLI COMEDY CLUB! Smash Comedy leitet sich ab von Smash Patriarchy und feiert die Frauen, FLINTA* & Queers der deutschen Comedyszene - für mehr Sichtbarkeit marginalisierter Gruppen, Personen und Themen, die auf den üblichen Comedybühnen kaum stattfinden. SMASH COMEDY ist eine alternative Show mit den etwas anderen Perspektiven und Witzen übers Leben, die Gesellschaft und das Menschsein. Eine Bühne ohne toxische Maskulinität, Misogynie und Rassismus, Queer- und Transfeindlichkeit - eine Bühne für Queers, Nichtbinäre, Frauen, Lesben, Transpersonen u.a. - ein Safe(r) Space, auch fürs Publikum. Motto: Mit maximalem Spaß und Diversity Power gegen Diskriminierung. Unsere Stand Up Comedy ist kein politisches Kabarett, und doch ein gesellschaftspolitischer, kulturaktivistischer Akt. Solidarisiert euch, educate yourself, trainiert eure Empathie-Muskeln und kommt in unsere Shows, wir freuen uns! Falls du selbst FLINTA* oder queer bist und mal Stand Up Comedy ausprobieren willst, schreib uns eine Mail an smashcomedyshow@gmail.com, und du kriegst einen Spot in einer unserer Shows! Falls das Ticket-Kontingent hier ausgeschöpft ist, findet ihr ein weiteres Kontingent auf Rausgegangen: https://rausgegangen.de/events/smash-comedy-die-stand-up-show-von-females-flinta-queers-8/
Information Source: Smash Comedy Club | eventbrite
Z + intec 2025 | Leipziger Messe
Mar 11–Mar 14, 2025 (UTC-5)
Z Internationale Zuliefermesse, the renowned international trade fair for machine tools, production, and automation technology, is set to make its mark once again as it brings together the supply industry and production technology in metalworking. This prestigious event, known as Z + intec 2025, will take place in Leipzig, Germany, at the esteemed Leipziger Messe from March 11 to March 14, 2025.
Z + intec 2025 provides a unique platform for industry professionals to come together and explore the latest advancements and innovations in machine tools, production, and automation technology. With a rich history of showcasing cutting-edge solutions, this trade fair attracts visitors from all over the world who are seeking to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving industry.
Located at Messe-Allee 1, 04356 Leipzig, Germany, the Leipziger Messe offers a state-of-the-art venue that ensures a seamless experience for exhibitors and attendees alike. Its modern facilities and convenient location make it an ideal choice for hosting such a significant event.
As Z + intec 2025 draws nearer, industry experts and enthusiasts can anticipate a comprehensive showcase of the industry's latest advancements, networking opportunities, and insightful discussions. This trade fair is an essential event for anyone involved in the supply industry and production technology in metalworking.
Mark your calendars and make plans to attend Z + intec 2025 in Leipzig, where you'll gain invaluable knowledge, discover new technologies, and connect with like-minded professionals who are shaping the future of the industry.
Z Subcontracting Fair 2025 | Leipziger Messe
Mar 11–Mar 14, 2025 (UTC-5)
The Z Subcontracting Fair is a premier trade event for the supply industry in Europe. As the leading trade fair in its field, the Z Subcontracting Fair brings together mid-tier suppliers and industrial service providers to showcase their offerings and foster business connections. In 2025, the Z Subcontracting Fair will take place at the Leipziger Messe in Leipzig, Germany, from March 11th to March 14th. This event provides a unique platform for industry professionals to network, explore innovative solutions, and stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the supply industry. With its esteemed reputation and strategic location, the Z Subcontracting Fair 2025 is a must-attend event for anyone looking to gain a competitive edge and establish fruitful partnerships within the supply industry.
Leipziger Marathon | Leipzig
Apr 13, 2025 (UTC+1)
The circular route in the city of Leipzig runs on asphalt roads along important scenic spots with little difference in altitude.
Med Logistica 2025 | Congress Center Leipzig
May 7–May 8, 2025 (UTC-5)
Med Logistica 2025 is a prestigious congress and trade fair event exclusively dedicated to process optimization in the hospital setting. This highly anticipated event takes place in Leipzig, Germany, at the renowned Congress Center Leipzig. Med Logistica 2025 offers a unique opportunity for experts responsible for hospital operations to come together and engage in intensive discussions every two years. In this setting, they can exchange valuable knowledge and insights into the most pressing technical issues facing hospitals today.
This congress and trade fair provide a comprehensive platform for clinics to stay informed and consult with one another on topics crucial to the optimization of hospital processes. Attendees will have the chance to explore cutting-edge solutions, innovative technologies, and best practices that can enhance efficiency and streamline operations within their institutions. By attending Med Logistica 2025, hospital professionals can gain a deeper understanding of the latest advancements in process optimization, enabling them to make informed decisions that positively impact patient care and overall hospital performance.
Mark your calendars for May 7th to May 8th, 2025, and join the esteemed experts in Leipzig for Med Logistica 2025. Discover new strategies, connect with industry leaders, and take part in a unique forum dedicated to advancing process optimization in the hospital sector. Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to elevate your knowledge and contribute to the ongoing advancement of hospital operations.
Therapie Leipzig 2025 | Leipziger Messe
May 8–May 10, 2025 (UTC-5)
Therapie Leipzig 2025 is a leading trade fair with a congress focused on therapy, medical rehabilitation, and prevention. As one of the most significant events in the medical sector, it plays a crucial role in advancing the field both technically and politically. Held at the prestigious Leipziger Messe in Leipzig, Germany, this event provides valuable opportunities for professionals in the medical industry to gather and exchange knowledge, ideas, and innovations.
From May 8 to May 10, 2025, Therapie Leipzig 2025 will bring together experts, researchers, and practitioners from around the world. Attendees will have the chance to explore cutting-edge therapies, medical advancements, and rehabilitation techniques. Moreover, the congress will cover a wide range of topics, addressing the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in therapy, rehabilitation, and prevention.
Therapie Leipzig 2025 promises to be a significant milestone, shaping the future of the medical sector. Professionals in the field cannot afford to miss this exceptional event. It offers a platform for networking, professional development, and staying up-to-date with the latest advancements and discoveries. Whether you are a therapist, a medical rehabilitation specialist, or someone interested in the field, Therapie Leipzig 2025 is an event that should be marked on your calendar. Join the industry's experts and contribute to the development and enhancement of therapy, medical rehabilitation, and prevention.
Korn Leipzig Concert Tour 2025|June 10 | QuarterbackImmobilienArena
Jun 10, 2025 (UTC+1)
Korn Leipzig, a highly anticipated event, is set to take place at the renowned QuarterbackImmobilienArena in Leipzig, Germany, on June 10, 2025, at 20:00. This iconic venue will host the legendary nu-metal band Korn, promising an unforgettable night of electrifying performances and powerful music. With tickets priced at 101 USD, fans can expect a meticulously curated setlist featuring both classic hits and new material, showcasing Korn's enduring influence in the rock and metal scenes. The QuarterbackImmobilienArena, known for its state-of-the-art facilities and exceptional acoustics, provides the perfect backdrop for this monumental concert. Attendees will experience an evening of unparalleled energy and musical prowess, making Korn Leipzig a must-attend event for enthusiasts and aficionados alike.
ISS GOOD 2025 | Leipziger Messe
Nov 2–Nov 4, 2025 (UTC-5)
ISS GOOD 2023 focuses on the growing market of the entire away-from-home sector and provides the attendees with the opportunity to meet high-level decision-makers ISS GOOD focuses on the growing market of the entire away-from-home sector and provides the attendees with the opportunity to meet high-level decision-makers.
Information Source: Leipziger Messe GmbH | expotobi
[[gledate^UŽIVO]] RB Leipzig – Real Madrid uživo TV prenos | Red Bull Arena
Mar 24, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
RB Leipzig and Real Madrid will face off in a highly anticipated match at Red Bull Arena in Leipzig. This UEFA Champions League showdown is set to take place on March 24, 2024. Football fans around the world are eagerly awaiting this clash between two top-tier teams.
RB Leipzig, based in Leipzig, Germany, will be looking to make a statement against the Spanish powerhouse, Real Madrid. With a strong squad and home advantage, RB Leipzig aims to secure a victory and advance in the tournament.
On the other hand, Real Madrid, known for their rich history and success in European football, will be determined to prove their dominance on the pitch. Led by their skilled players, Real Madrid will give their all to come out on top in this crucial match.
Unfortunately, ticket availability for this event is currently unavailable. However, fans can still catch all the action live on TV or through online streaming platforms. Details regarding live streams, TV channels, and kick-off time will be provided closer to the event.
Followers of the sport can expect an intense and thrilling encounter between RB Leipzig and Real Madrid. Stay tuned for updates and don't miss out on this exciting Champions League clash.
Signierstunde mit Sarah Sprinz auf der LBM 2024 | Leipziger Buchmesse
Mar 23, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Fans of Sarah Sprinz attending the Signierstunde at the LBM 2024 can locate the signing sessions in Hall 4, within the designated signing area. To ensure a smooth experience, tickets have been divided into time slots, minimizing wait times. Attendees are advised to join the queue no earlier than 15 minutes before their allocated time slot. Rest assured, all ticket holders arriving within the scheduled time frame will have the opportunity to meet the author. Each attendee is permitted to have two items signed per person, whether it be two books or a book and a character card, allowing more fans to participate. The event is eagerly anticipated, and organizers express their gratitude in advance. See you soon in Leipzig!❤