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7Theodore's Restaurant

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palettes_nyTheodore's Blues, Booze, and BBQ 35 knives per capita 201 Worthington St, Springfield, MA 01103 Monday to Friday 11:00-20:30 Saturday to Sunday 15:00-20:30 Their home is called the top three American barbecue restaurant in MA Massachusetts. Many YouTube have Amway, so they took advantage of coming to Springfield to play and booked their seats in advance. This family is very popular, must make an appointment in advance, if there is a queue on the spot, it may take 1 hour. The environment of their home is also American bar style, the environment is dark, there are many diners, the meal may be a little crowded, the background music is ringing, it is very suitable for eating meat and drinking. 5 smoked wings I ordered a smoked roasted wings, 5 in a box, with ranch sauce. Their roasted wings should have been marinated in advance, very tasty, the outer skin has a smoky and scorched feeling, wrapped in a layer of sauce, some similar to Korean roasted wings. popcorn shrimp Fried shrimp is another pre-course, the portion is not large, with a small slice of lemon, before eating, sprinkle lemon juice on the lemon, and then enter with the ranch sauce. The fried shrimp itself has no seasoning. It is the original flavor of seafood and the taste is very fresh. However, if you eat too much, you will have a slightly greasy feeling. The store’s signature barbecue series must come. After cutting the ribs of their home, they will use smoky way. Barbecue for 7 hours, and the seasoning will be integrated into the meat itself. The sauce is also very fragrant, and the meat inside still retains the taste of juicy. It is accompanied by a large slice of fried potatoes. It is very fun to eat meat. This dish is made with more cheese. It will be a bit greasy to eat. The cheese control friends should like this one more. I feel that I ordered barbecue and then ate it together, which will make the greasy feeling more prominent. This one is almost not eaten. I packed it directly and went home. banana pudding Their banana pudding can be eaten banana meat. The taste is very dense, and then matched with a small biscuit. I ate the cream when I ate it, otherwise it might get too tired.