Best Restaurants in June in Huangguoshu Waterfalls Scenic Area (Updated 2024)

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Guizhou Cuisine
阿南旅行In the Craftsman·Yueshan, you can see the first waterfall in Asia - Huangguoshu Waterfall, and you can also see the Baling River Bridge, known as the world's first high bridge. The bridge is sometimes cloudy and foggy, and it is floating in the middle of the air. It is a fairyland. It is very spectacular and very good. The 12-room style of Craftsman Yueshan is almost unified. One corresponding is that every name in December of the year is related to 24 solar terms or phenology. For example, in spring January, it is called the first Yang symbol of the beginning of the sun, and everything is revived. February is the flower festival. The name is the flower festival in March. The appearance of a large number of white space design to make it appear more harmonious and natural. The large area of transparent glass can not only be used as an embellishment of the hotel's exterior walls, but also blur the boundaries between indoor and outdoor as much as possible. The first floor of the hotel mainly bears the function of the lobby and restaurant. The entrance is the service desk. The tea drinking area is the innermost part of the restaurant. The iron plate cooking table is piled with stones. There is also a window on the wall. People can enjoy the food and accept the gifts of nature. Feel the magnificent flowing scenery outside the window. The built-in bathtub in the bedroom Marshall stereo Dyson hair dryer is different. Different room types of washing and care giant soundproof glass and stretchable TV have brought high-quality enjoyment to the occupants 👍👍👍 Craftsman·Yueshan#Girl's heart bursting homestay#These hotel landscapes are awesome#High-end hotel that you will understand after sleeping#Staying in local high-value homestay#One-stop resort hotel