Best Restaurants in May in Pingnan (Updated 2024)

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Hot Pot
打尖和住店👅 Pingnan County has really not many serious restaurants to eat. Several people have dinner and have been to Fuxiang Food City in the tourist distribution center. They eat well and the environment is not good. There are many parking spaces at noon, and there are very few people. This time it was raining at night, there was no parking space in the compound, and there were many people. 🔥 Cold season is suitable for hot pot, friends said this is good. There are private rooms and scattered seats, and the serving speed is very fast. The small ingredients are self-service, and you can adjust the taste for yourself. 🐮 Chaoshan beef hot pot became famous in the 1940s. The traditional practice is to add sand tea sauce to the pot and use the soup to make the bottom of the pot. Later, it gradually became simple. The bottom of the yak beef pot only left the beef bone clear soup and white radish, which is more conducive to taste the original taste of beef. Chaoshan cuisine is the most important thing about 'big taste to light'. This hot pot is about beef being slaughtered and sold, and the word "fresh" is played to the extreme. The beef parts are different, the texture is different, the time is different, and the taste and taste are also very different. ❤ There are different names in different parts, which are very particular. The tender meat is fresh and slightly chewy, 6-8 seconds; the three flower toes and five flower toes: is the toe meat of the cow, the difference is the three tendons or five tendons of the meat pattern. The beef tendons pop up teeth, it takes a little long time, 8-10 seconds is wonderful. Dragon companion and dragon: Dragon is a long piece of meat on the back of the cow, and Dragon companion is a small part of the dragon below. The meat here is slightly thick, fat is not greasy, smooth and sweet, 6-8 seconds is suitable. Spoon handle and spoon: A cow has only 2 "spoon handles", and there is a clear flesh grain pattern in the middle after the slice, which is crisp and crisp like a key handle. Spoon is beef eye, spoon is sweeter and tenderer than spoon handle, and is the best part of the naked eye. 8 seconds. Neck: The meat on the neck of the cow, the most frequent exercise, accounts for 1% of a cow. Fat and lean marble texture, the entrance after4-6 seconds, soft and fat, fresh and sweet and crisp. Fat: The beef belly mezzanine meat, its fat ratio is higher than lean meat, with clear water for about 6 seconds to fish out. Breast 𦛨: also called chest oil, is the soft tissue of the chest of the cow, full of chewing, it looks fat, it will be crispy, the longest do not exceed 2 minutes. #Go to the store together #Queue up to eat hot pot #Local food to eat 🐮 Niuqi Chongtianchaoshan Beef Hot Pot 💰 Per capita: 90⏰ Business hours: 15:00-23:00📍 Address: Inside the Guobao Road Tourism Distribution Center, Pingnan County, Ningde City, Fujian Province