Best Restaurants in June in Vojskaja (Updated 2024)

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MelodycccBrest Pedestrian Street One day to play the scenery ➕ Food Brest Pedestrian Street One day itinerary recommendation: 1 Take a taxi to the pedestrian street sculpture, walk all the way to the direction of the Swan 🦢 Lake, full of characteristics, you can take pictures all the way. 2 If you are tired, there are many dessert shops and cafes along the road to stop, the clerk is very good value, and can be said to be English 3 If you have local brands, you can choose, and others are not recommended (there are many local brands with strong milk fragrance) 4 The middle of the pedestrian street passes through Nikolai Church. 5 I will meet many artists singing or playing the piano all the way 6 Sunset 🌄 I will meet the lighter 7 Food: Chinese food and dinner (will be detailed in the food article) Chinese restaurant name: bloom (you can go for a walk by the Swan Lake after lunch) After lunch, take a taxi to St. Simon's Cathedral ⛪️ Dinner shop name: Tashkent, kafe (By the Swan Lake, the dinner atmosphere is full, and occasionally I will encounter private parties and feel the revelry of their family party 🎉) End a pleasant day trip ~🔅 as follows: 🍕 Walking along the pedestrian street, waiting for tired and hungry, search for Bloom Restaurant, The restaurant is close to the park and Swan Lake, convenient for walking, eating outdoors can see the scenery, a few friends eat slowly, chat slowly, the mood will be very beautiful 🍕 The menu is all Russian, but you can use translation software to translate 🍕 The restaurant lady has a high value, and can speak English 🍕 We are 4 people. I ordered beef tongue, pizza, omelets, pastries, etc. The price is not very high. 69 rubles (the exchange rate on the day 2.88) can be eaten very satisfied - slow down, enjoy this quiet time like an oil painting 🌿 Lunch is next to the park, after lunch and chat, You can come to the lake for a walk. 🌿 People and nature are very harmonious here. The pigeons are fat and the photos are not afraid of people. The clock disk shows the main development and architecture of Brest from 1919 to 2019 - in Brest, Belarus, when the sunset comes, We waited at the end of the pedestrian street for the lighter 🔅 and it is said that we would be lucky to touch the second button of his uniform. The clips of the lighter in "Little Prince" made him more famous. 💡 The lighter was the only adult who could be recognized as a friend before the little prince came to earth. -🌿 After watching the light people, I continued to go to Swan Lake and went to find this restaurant 🍖 Dinner Shop name: Tashkent, kafe🍖 The restaurant is by the lake. The restaurant waiter is very enthusiastic to tell us "Hello" 🍖 You must order this large platter barbecue (pork, beef, chicken) full of smoke. It is very satisfying to eat 🍖 The middle is equipped with tomato sauce. It is not ordinary tomato sauce. It is also equipped with onions in the middle. It is very greasy. This cheese platter is matched with honey. There are 4 flavors, sweet and salty, and blue cheese similar to Chinese stinky tofu. (Although the cheese is very pure, but the Chinese people are not necessarily used to eating) 🥘 Hand-caught rice, definitely recommended. ⭐️⭐️ There are many seemingly strange ingredients such as raisins, but they are paired together, absolutely magical and delicious. 💰 Barbecue platter 106 rubles, the other about 20 rubles. Finally, we encountered a wedding restaurant private, everyone was very happy to dance, we were infected by this enthusiasm and joy, the atmosphere was full of ~🎉 Last end Happy day ~🌄 #Private Secrets in the City