Best Restaurants in June in Xijindu Ancient Street/Jinshan (Updated 2024)

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8 Reviews
焕焕Very net red stalls, in fact, it is not difficult to find, but some navigation will make you dizzy. In recent years, Yangzhou Mancheng pushed and sold braised goose, the sky-high cart and the store to see the people's hearts. In fact, it is the salt water goose that we Shanghai people said, the cooked food stalls sold in the previous vegetable market. I often go to Yangzhou and have eaten many homes, and the tastes of each are quite different. This time I wanted to try this stall that was well received by many media and loved by locals. There are still many people queuing in the evening of the weekdays, and most of them are surrounding residents. I bought a quarter of the goose, the first half was 65 yuan, to buy with the goose neck or goose head, I bought the head, weighed a total of 85 yuan. 2 goose arms and 2 goose palms about 30. Another 20 yuan goose sausage, 2 hearts and 1 cockroach; a total of 137 yuan. The goose meat is delicious, the great is the light mouth, taste the fragrance on the spot. The store will serve you with raw braised juice. The salty and fresh braised juice is even more delicious. Once again, I praise the appropriate control of the salty taste of the home, not the kind of salty. The slight disadvantage is that it is late, the goose is cold, or there is some fishy smell, very few tastes, in the very normal range of poultry meat. Only if you taste the food yourself will you know if it is suitable for your taste. The conclusion is "quite a good one", for me, Yangzhou has eaten the most suitable one.