Best Restaurants in June in Forest Wetland Park (Updated 2024)

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阳阳的旅行记录It is indeed a delicious Northeast BBQ in Qinhuangdao. "You can always believe this Northeast BBQ". My heart ranks the highest in the treasure-level barbecue restaurant! All skewers close their eyes and don't step on thunder ... Very authentic Northeast skewers~ Youth big oil side must be ordered every time! Oversized oil side, a bite down fat directly burst oil joy! How to eat not enough! The garlic crayfish is delicious to the garlic crayfish with fingers. The shrimp meat is full and delicious. Each lobster is wrapped in garlic juice and 4 0. It smells the strong garlic crayfish. Add a noodles and eat it, crying the children next door! Massive dragon fish fragrance, large dragon fish taste fresh, no thorns, spicy and fresh, as much as tender! The fragrant spicy and delicious net red bean skin is soft and soft, and it is delicious while it is hot! A taste like a snack when I was a child! As soon as you eat, you will be on the top~ The strawberry sugar water that I must order for iced strawberries, iced sweet and spicy! There are too many delicious foods in Weihe! There are also skewers and palace tendons, beef fat and thin, roasted pork belly, spicy chicken stew! The oversized oysters and scallops are also very tender! There are also Shenyang's chicken rack and stew soup! Strawberry 🍓 Sugar water, very authentic and delicious! Address: No. 300 Heping Street (100 meters west of the south gate of Heping Garden Community)


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种草机月月Qinyun Restaurant Qinhuangdao Discovery Store|Must punch in the Chinese style specialty restaurant ● There is such a treasure restaurant with a great interior in Beidaihe-Qinyun Restaurant. Just listen to its name and feel that it is full of Chinese style. It really didn't disappoint me. The antique style is really love! Various green plants and bonsai are planted everywhere, and it must be a great deal of thought to recommend dishes: ◆ Abalone stewed chicken: Abalone is super fat, and then pick up fresh chicken, embellished with colored peppers, which is both beautiful and delicious! ◆ Fresh shrimp fried plum meat: highly recommended! The shrimp is not only super fresh, but also the shrimp line is removed! I just want to give the store a thumbs up! ◆ Gold Crispy Shrimp: Probably everyone doesn't want to eat shrimp peeling shells, the store helps you! The whole shrimp is fried golden and crispy, and the shell is also edible! Um! delicious! ◆ Best Angus Veal: When the tender beef collides with the color pepper, what brings you is a dish that combines delicious and elegant, let alone I take a photo first! ◆ Handmade rice cake: Soft rice cakes are not too delicious! Give me another one! Qinyun Restaurant 9: Qinhuangdao Lianfeng North Road 12-5 No. Yuhua Road Elementary School North Road: 50m from Yuhua Road Elementary School: Monday~Friday 10:30-21:30# Qinhuangdao Food #How to play Qinhuangdao #Holiday Food Exploration Shop #Qinhuangdao #Qinyun Restaurant