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浅蓝旅行They all said that this is not Hangzhou, it is a homestay in Hefei just played from Qiantang, and I went to another homestay not far from the neighborhood with my boyfriend! I didn't expect my heart to think that Qiantang was already amazing! h It is even more mountainous here, the building outside the building~ Hefei Yuyue Mountain House came here to learn that Yuyue Mountain House is a century-old house transformed! Yes, I heard it correctly. The homestay here is a residential house built during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty and transformed into a Yuyue Mountain House. It is a special homestay with history, feelings and pastoral scenery. The location of the homestay is located in the original Hongguang Hope Elementary School. There are woodlands and Yudai River and Bailu Island in front. The total area is about 200,000 square meters, the construction area is about 5,000 square meters, there are not many rooms with 38 sets of location and it is super easy to find indoor driving for four+ minutes, 20 kilometers from Hefei South Railway Station, poison boyfriend~ If I like to resign and live with me for half a month~ Recruit the surrounding environment Yuyueshanju It was remodeled by ten old houses, concentrated the old house of the big oil tea family Wang's house, the late Qingtianhao Academy Jin overlooks the entire pastoral scenery~ To say a word, it is not an exaggeration to come here to go through time to the Ming Dynasty! ! It is a perfect combination of historical and comfortable life ~ The homestay facilities here cover more than 5,000 square meters. I am sorry for such a large area. I am sorry for such a large area. I am sorry for the dining, conference, camping barbecue, tea bar, coffee bar, children's garden road, pastoral scenery experience, Lawn expansion, lawn wedding, Buddhist wedding, children's research, etc. ~ here is fun and fun, far more than indoors. · Horse riding, archery, go-karting, live CS... Anyway, you think of all~~ ~ to take pictures of the holy place Yuyue Mountain Residence, a century-old building, and a shot is history~ Little fairies can wear ancient clothes to take pictures here, super super film 100 beauty crying! ! The quaint trail, the pastoral scenery, the bonfire at night, the turning back of each step, the oil paper umbrella body, walk here leisurely on the autumn fireworks, Manpin this world. Farewell to the glitz, talk to the landscape, come here - "Yuyue Mountain Room" store name: Hefei Yuyue Mountain Room B&B () address: Hongguang Community, Changlinhe Town, Feidong County, Hefei Feidong County, Hefei Feidong Yuyue Mountain Room B&B · Waterside Restaurant #Small B&B #Homestay recommendation #Small attractions #Discover Treasure B&B #Parent-child travel