Best Restaurants in April in Iwate Prefecture (Updated 2024)

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2Nambuya Robata

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Asian Cuisine
唐先森吃成都It is no exaggeration. This beef restaurant in Emei Mountain is really worth going there before brushing. A local friend recommended their home and it is an intangible cultural heritage. It is delicious and cheap. I can’t forget it once. This time I drove to eat their home. ✅ One of the signature beef signs. Beef is the most popular! The beef bone soup for several hours is mixed with fresh beef and beef. Every piece of beef has been soaked in the taste of fresh meat and tenderness. The soup is delicious. It can't stop a spoonful of warm stomach, two spoonfuls of refreshing, three spoonfuls of floating immortals are also delicious and nutritious. You can't tire of eating~✅ Chicken stewed chicken is also a characteristic of Mount Emei. All kinds of vegetables must be soaked, precipitated, and tasted with meat. The chicken feet, the delicate chicken legs, and the freshly fragrant county liver are soaked together. People can't help but string together one after another. It’s just that the brain flower is dense as a paste, and the tofu is tender and soft. You can’t help it when you wrap up rice. You can’t help it. Who can’t love the sweet brown sugar cake? ! It is a taste of childhood memory deep in the taste and sweetness, and there will be juice flowing out of a bite to be delicious to addictive 🏠 Store name: Volkswagen Lame Beef Restaurant · Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Unit 📍 Address: Sales No. 195, 197, 199, 201 Xiuhu Street #Intangible Cultural Heritage #Locally Only Eat the beauty Eat #Taste the authentic old brand