Best Restaurants in June in Kochi Prefecture (Updated 2024)

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1 Reviews
摆渡修行Black Zun... Kochi's third-ranked izakaya. I didn't boast about the first two today, and I had to scold it first. The store is still cute, small, everyone is surrounded at the bar and chatting with the owner's grandfather. We booked a seat in the small room at 5-7, and the owner smiled at us and asked an grandmother to lead us into the house. We fell in and our friend went to the bathroom first. Soon, Grandma came in and asked us, "What to drink, only oolong tea." I: "Have Japanese wine?" Grandma looked at me: "You still drink? Pure rice, chant, hot, and beer." I asked for pure rice wine. Grandma looked at us again: "Not a local, where did you come from, how did your friend go to the toilet and not come back, it's too long, she's fine?" We: ", Tokyo, problem." Grandma: "I knew I wouldn't pick up this table reservation." We:!? (・_・;? My friend just got out of the toilet and was educated: "Going to the toilet for so long, you have nothing wrong with it." Friend:! (・_・;? There is no menu in the store, what to eat. The owner first gave a large bowl of sashimi and a plate of sushi. Grandma told us to eat quickly. Not eating will not be roasted salmon and boiled fish. Sashimi, delicious! ! Fresh, fat, full of oil, with fresh dumpling garlic sauce, eat my breath fresh and natural, garlic flavor. I sighed comfortably, prepared to sashimi, drink a small wine. Five minutes later, Grandma came in again, frowned: "Why haven't you finished eating. Don't eat it will not burn salmon and cook fish." We: "Eat immediately!" Grandma looked at my friend again: "You sit down, legs are exposed, girls' family, what is it like." Friend:!? (・_・;? Five minutes later, Grandma came in again, looked at the bare plate, nodded satisfied, and sent a plate of roasted salmon. The roasted salmon is delicious! ! The salted salmon is grilled on the fierce fire, the fish skin is scorched and crisp, the oil is flowing down, and then cut into a finger thick, wrapped in mustard and raw garlic. ...Spicy to suck your nose, full of taste like eating meat.