Best Restaurants in May in Kootenay National Park (Updated 2024)

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32Banff Ave Brewing Co

3 Reviews
US$20Bars/BistrosOpen Late
香草生活观察员Banff's self-driving is a trip for about ten days. It is very embarrassing. I don't like to cook. I watched other good culinary people play recklessly in Banff. I silently sorted out a list of restaurants! Advise yourself to open it, not every "water ice moon" will change. When you are in Banff, it is recommended to search restaurants and cafe reviews in advance to see their menus and prices. This way you can find the best place to suit yourself according to your budget and taste. Meanwhile, some restaurants may offer breakfast or lunch specials, which is a good way to save money.1.Banff Avenue Brewing Co.: This is a local brewery that offers moderately priced meals. Their lunch specials are often competitive. 2.Evelyn's Coffee Bar: This is a place that offers affordable breakfast and lunch, with a variety of coffee, pastries and sandwiches. 3.Bear Street Tavern: A variety of pizzas and snacks are provided at moderate prices. 4.Nourish Bistro: It is a vegetarian restaurant, although the price is slightly higher, but the portion is large and often has special prices. 5.Tim Hortons: As a chain brand in Canada, it offers affordable coffee, breakfast and sandwiches. If you are looking for fast and budget-friendly options, this is a good choice. 6. Local supermarket: as mentioned before IGA or Safeway, You can buy the ingredients for making sandwiches or salads and some ready-to-eat food here.7.Chiniki Cultural Centre: Located on the road between Banff and Calgary, it offers traditional Aboriginal food at moderate prices and a great place to experience local culture. 8. Strawberry Cabin (Wild Flour Bakery): This is a bakery in Banff Town, providing a variety of affordable pastries, sandwiches and coffee. 📝 Note: Banff is a natural safari park, don't throw food, it's not good to attract non-human mammals! #Traveling abroad has BUFF