Best Restaurants in June in Shanwei (Updated 2024)

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₩12321Cantonese Cuisine
泡泡爱玩乐The best food guide in Shanwei, this is enough! ||Come to Shanwei for two things, watching the sea and food, today to bring you a collection of Shanwei food guides 1⃣️ rich food stalls 💰:108/person ⏰:11:00-14:00, 17:00-21:00 friends who come to Shanwei must come to this seafood stall, the price is super high, fresh seafood 🦐🦀️🐟 is now selected and killed, There are a variety of seafood for you to choose from. Push salt and pepper shrimp, garlic salmon (both times sold out), salmon ring and sea urchin fried rice, his vegetables are also very fresh. I don’t need to queue up to call the number. I will occupy it when I see a vacant seat. This is really a bit uncomfortable for 😂 2⃣️ Longlong Jinda Tea House 💰: 75/person ⏰: 10:00-21:00 Old tea house, in Xiangzhou Road Pearl Square, Shanwei locals also love to eat this one, which is also a tea house that Shanwei has been operating for a long time. The taste of the dishes in the tea house is still wrong, basically will not step on thunder, personally prefer shrimp dumplings, fried shrimp rolls, purple rice fish willow intestines and steamed chicken feet. 3⃣️ Zongji Dessert 💰: 14/person ⏰: 12:00-01:00 the next day 100-year-old store, Shanwei dessert is a must, sweet and not greasy, each has its own unique taste, they are delicious, how is recognized as delicious, milky fragrance overflows; Jiu Mao Paste is a special dessert of appendix, you must taste it, personally feel that it tastes like no so soft transparent jelly taste, interested friends order a cup to try. 4⃣️ Ming Shu Lao Noodles 💰: 19/person ⏰: 10:00-05:00 the next day is a representative Shanwei cuisine, an ordinary small shop, but the products are very good and the price is very low. Flat food Lao Noodles are a signboard, a bit like thick wonton, but the taste can be tried; The glutinous rice is divided into sweet and salty two kinds, I ordered salty, with peanut radish, and the salted egg yolk is the soul, the glutinous rice is clear and tastes good. 5⃣️ Pancakes at the intersection of Yuzhong Road 💰: 16/person ⏰: 11:00-02:00 the next day I heard from friends in Shanwei that the pancakes are delicious, with salty and sweet taste. After buying both, I found that the salty mouth is more suitable for my appetite, mainly because the filling is freshly fried and freshly baked, and the freshly noodles are good. Pancake crust; The sweet taste is also good, the filling is more crispy, rich in taste, eat a special flavor, meat pine and salted egg yolk will be more fragrant, and meet the need to fill the taste, the two tastes are different, you can try. #Local food to eat #Shanwei travel


8 Reviews
不晚XxTitle: I went to Shanwei and let me crack .................. Okay, my title party! But Shanwei is really beautiful la la la la! To sum up, the two days of traveling to Shanwei are so beautiful! It is really the first choice for tourist niche cities! Slow seaside life is too comfortable! Accommodation: 🏡 Accommodation: We stayed in Shanwei Poly Jinlu Bay 🐋 Haitang Apartment 🏡 For me, who didn’t grow up in a seaside city, it was really shocking to open the door. ❗️❗️❗️❗️ When I opened the door, I came to the sea. 🌊 Who knows the feeling 😭😭😭 It’s very clean and the facilities are very new. And the decoration is really ins creamy! Accommodation for two days and stay RMB418💰 Recommended Index ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Six Stars 🍜🍜 Food morning Haizhen Restaurant to drink morning tea! Going in to the selection area has a sense of sight for the emperor to eat! Choose any variety of dishes! And there is Shanwei special salty tea! ! Breakfast Haizhen RMB 💰 120 recommendation index ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ noon 🐃 Prospect Niuqi We ordered a Niuqi hot pot with Chaoshan Niuwan, Niuqi and Niuqi! Overall, the beef and beef are very fresh! Lunch RMB💰160 recommendation index ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ In the evening, I wanted to eat rich food stalls, but the landlord said that many people will have a bad experience! So I recommend us to Ermalu Xingqiang stalls! Keep up with the local landlord and don't get lost 😇! 🐟 seafood is very fresh! And it looks very clean! There are not many people! The experience is directly graded by a grade 😍😍 Xingqiangshi stall RMB 💰 150 recommendation index ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Five stars Supper and Night Visiting a lot of food is probably divided into the following stores Lin Yujie Pancake ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Four Star Cup Cup Fresh ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Four Star Pingji Congee Shop: Tang Bianshi ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Five Star Deji Cai ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Five Star Bai Old store Wenglin desserts a bowl of five or six yuan cost-effective ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Five stars Cai Ji fried weiwei specialty recommendation index ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Five stars summary did not do a strategy! 👀 Where the landlord recommends to go 🚢 Where to go basically did not step on thunder ⭕️! And it is very embarrassing to be in the heart that the room decoration and the table 😍😍 Raiders are small 👍 Shanwei is worthy of slow life 🌊 Seaside City Travel First choice ❗️❗️ I will come next time 🉑


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Lonely Wang☃️ Alo! Hello everyone, I am Wang Gui, I am very happy to share the trip with you ⛄️ Today, I will take you to understand the basic information of Guangdong Internet Red Dessert Store - Taipei Mad Bean as follows 👇🏻 ⏰ Business Hours: 10:00—23:30🏠 Shop Address: 1st Floor, Xianda Times Square, No. 777 Xiangzhou Road, Shanwei City City L1-017 Shop 🚌 Public Transportation: You can take bus 108 to the "Xianda Plaza" station, get off and walk about 300 meters to 💰 Per capita consumption: 25 yuan 👍 Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Personal store experience 👇🏻 🍓 Taipei Mad Bean is not from Taiwan, but a dessert brand under Guangdong Company, in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Shanwei has a branch. It focuses on the development of top-level desktop desserts and leads the new fashion of desserts, inherits the traditional ancient production process, adheres to the business philosophy of "healthy", "fresh" and "fashion", and strives to become the best Taiwanese dessert brand in the mainland. 🍓 Shanwei is located in Xianda Plaza. It is noon time when it arrives. There are no guests in the store, only a few takeaway brothers sitting and waiting for orders. I bought a fresh strawberry ice 36.8 yuan online in advance, and I ordered it now. The products are really beautiful and delicious, and the strawberries are also very fresh. 🍓 I am more puzzled that although Mad Bean is mainly for Taiwanese desserts, the signboard is written in Japanese, and the overall decoration style is also Japanese, very similar to the tone of the "late night canteen", some confusion. 🍓 But I have to boast that the decoration color of Mad Bean is simple and generous, the product is delicious and beautiful, cost-effective, the clerk's service attitude is warm, the overall dining experience is very good, it is worth exploring again.