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#11 of Local Restaurants in Shanghai
33 Reviews
€32Shanghai Cuisine
203***37[Environment] The restaurant is a popular restaurant in the city hotel. It is located on the 5th floor of this four-star city hotel. The bustling street view is panoramic, but it is not noisy, elegant and low-key is the impression, and it is very pleasant to be quiet in the middle of noisy. The restaurant environment guarantees privacy, and with the selection of top ingredients, it also guarantees the freshness and quality of the dishes, giving you a private customized enjoyment. The high cost performance has created this private restaurant in Shanghai, which is the best choice for business banquets and gatherings of relatives and friends. In terms of dishes, the restaurant chooses fresh and healthy ingredients, insists on cooking the original local dishes, healthy and natural. Specially recommended the restaurant secret smoked fish and braised pork: [Taste] This brand smoked salmon smoked fish is a traditional dish suitable for all ages, unlike other homes made with salmon or herring, his family is salmon, fish meat is more tender, fried just right smoked fish infiltrated slightly sweet sauce, The skin is tender and so delicious that even the fish bones can't bear to spit it out. For Shanghai people, braised pork is not a fresh dish, but a whole rib-cut braised pork is rare! The secret braised gravy is delicious, the pork ribs are selected with fat and lean, and the lean meat on the bone is more compact. After a long time of cooking, the fat fat has long run out. From the quality of the meat to the taste of the roast is impeccable. It is very tasty. The entrance is instant, and the mouth is down. It is a great satisfaction! Usually not fat girls will also be unable to bear the big scorpion to start! Bamboo locust grass flower clear chicken soup on the table immediately scented nose, remember the choice of ingredients is extremely elegant, select Anhui deep mountains to catch more than three years old hen, crisp and fresh bamboo locust Wenwen slow six hours, pick up a spoon, from the inside to the outside up to the bottom of the golden luster, The taste is warm and mellow! The typical thin filling of the pot sticker is more. The bottom of the pot sticker is the fried dumpling part. The color is attractive golden yellow. The upper part is soft and tough. The bottom is crispy and the filling is delicious. The dish is particularly refreshing, with palm treasure, cashews, vegetables and so on! Very suitable for everyone to chat and eat! [Service] In addition, the restaurant provides intimate private customized service, the chef can adjust the menu according to the budget and preferences of the guests, let people enjoy a different dining experience. The daily reception of the restaurant is limited, the guest rate is high, and it must be booked in advance. It can be seen that this private restaurant is loved by diners! This authentic local restaurant, which snares the precious ingredients of all over the country, directly moved the "China on the tip of the tongue" to the table, which made people linger, and it was difficult to think of not drooling!


19 Reviews
繁星满天飞扬What's wrong with this Shanghai sky? ! It should be cold in the autumn, but it feels like this summer wants to leave and stay, located in a glass room full of sunshine, warm and not like the winter is in front of you. The new chef of the flower arm from Milan, the other side of the earth, thinks that he loves the weather in Shanghai, otherwise the dessert in autumn is soaked with the ice and sweet pineapple frost of citrus jinba pear, and it is covered with bamboo charcoal black and knocked open but the lemon mousse cake with basil fragrance. Come to cool this summer with warm sunshine. Appetizers seem to be traditional Italian style, but mixed with salted egg yolks broken crab meat strands, the top of the crisp and clear iceberg lettuce, even if the thick yogurt, but still fresh taste; Full of white truffle aromas drizzled with mayonnaise beef thin slices, still at the freezing tipping point, describing the lightness and delicateness of beef slices; big love is filled with cherry tomato Italian buffalo cheese, the gorgeous color is not sticky or greasy, too suitable for this autumn without cold autumn. The healthy fish roll in the main dish, the clear and shallow pistachio is broken, wrapped in the fish roll, like the green green eyes or green onion outside the floor-to-ceiling window, in the baking of the white cauliflower mud, more and more like water hibiscus, the waiter is now drizzled with dill sauce, that fragrant, Like the wind and leaves moving, only looking at the eye is pleasing. Finally, I have to mention 180G and cattle M7 beef stew, in this season, mushrooms are stacked, just garlic and thyme fried, drizzled with charming balsamic vinegar, meat fragrance has been in oily, fungus, vinegar fragrance, and incense, full of fat, tender tongue. A good summer in autumn, a good autumn in Shanghai in the eyes of a handsome Lanmi chef, a good time for Italian style. #Stars to find the beach