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Great places to go near Onward Point Trail in June (updated 2024)

Things to do near Onward Point Trail

1. Haida Heritage Centre

Haida Heritage Centre
Opening hours: Open tomorrow at 10:00-17:00
Distance: 5.22km
Address: #2 2 Beach Rd, Skidegate, BC V0T 1S1, Canada

2. Haida Gwaii

Haida Gwaii
Distance: 17.29km
Address: North Coast, BC, Canada

3. Moresby Explorers

Moresby Explorers
Opening hours: Opens at 9:00-19:00
Distance: 6.56km
Address: 365 Beach Rd, Sandspit, BC V0T 1T0, Canada

4. Haida Gwaii Museum

Haida Gwaii Museum
Opening hours: Open tomorrow at 10:00-17:00
Distance: 5.23km
Address: 2 Beach Rd, Skidegate, BC V0T 1S1, Canada

Restaurants near Onward Point Trail

1. Prawn & Scallop

Prawn & Scallop
Distance: 9.98km
Address: 3301 Oceanview Dr, Queen Charlotte City, British Columbia V0T 1S0, Canada

2. Dave's in the Village

Dave's in the Village
Distance: 5.4km
Address: 112 Front St., Queen Charlotte City, British Columbia V0T 1S1, Canada

3. Oceana Chinese and Continental

Oceana Chinese and Continental
Distance: 10.34km
Address: 3119 3rd Ave., Queen Charlotte City, British Columbia V0T 1S0, Canada

4. Junebug Cafe and Gifts

Junebug Cafe and Gifts
Distance: 10.98km
Address: 223 Oceanview Dr, Daajing Giids, BC V0T 1S0, Canada

Local airport

2. Queen Charlotte City Waterdrome

Queen Charlotte City Waterdrome
Address: Skeena-Queen Charlotte F, BC, Canada
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