9D Journey " The human soul blue print " series week 3 | The Shambala Healing Tree

9D Journey " The human soul blue print " series week 3 | The Shambala Healing Tree

Feb 11–Feb 18, 2024 (UTC+10)
The Shambala Healing Tree


Embark on a mind-expanding 9D Journey as you delve into the intricacies of the human blueprint, uncovering mind-boggling revelations at every juncture. The highly anticipated 9D Journey "The Human Soul Blueprint" series awaits you at the esteemed venue of The Shambala Healing Tree in Ocean Grove. Prepare to embark on a profound expedition that will unlock the secrets of your own soul's blueprint. This transformative series is meticulously designed to assist you in uncovering your innate healing abilities and establishing a profound connection with your inner self. Immerse yourself in a multitude of captivating experiences, interactive workshops, and enlightening sessions that will grant you deeper insights into your own being. Throughout the course of 10 weeks, this ongoing event, held on Sundays, will enable you to explore the various layers of your inner self. Delve into a remarkable journey through your subconscious mind, liberating the energy pathways and clearing the five primary sheaths of your energy bodies. These five sheaths, encapsulated within three bodies of our human form, include the physical body, the astral body, the mental/emotional body, the conscious body, and the bliss body. By engaging in the power of 9D breath-work, you will actively confront and release the blocks lodged within these bodies. With practice, your mind's thinking patterns will be rewired, leading to clarity of thought and enhanced emotional regulation. Each week, a new intention will guide your exploration, offering you a fresh journey into the depths of your essence and unlocking your inner power. Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to embark on a truly transformative odyssey.

Provided by Hazel|Published Mar 25, 2024


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