Acorn MusEcology Project presents Side by Side: Songs in Conversation | Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation

Acorn MusEcology Project presents Side by Side: Songs in Conversation | Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation

Oct 20, 2023 (UTC-8)
Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation


Join the Acorn MusEcology Project for an enchanting musical experience at the exquisite Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation in Santa Rosa. Immerse yourself in the evening performance directed by the talented Sarah Dupre. This 20-voice choral ensemble will captivate you with their melodious harmonies as they share music that delves into our collective responsibility as caretakers of the Earth and its diverse ecosystems. This captivating concert, titled "Side by Side: Songs in Conversation," will explore our profound connection with nature and our fellow creatures through a selection of songs and poetry. The concert program features a delightful combination of songs that share common themes or are written by the same lyricists. Additionally, you will be treated to original compositions and selected settings of poems by renowned authors such as Kim Stafford, Kathleen Lynch, Jane Kenyon, Dana Gioia, and Terry Tempest Williams. Prepare to embark on a musical journey that will evoke the sounds of magpies and marsh grasses, foxes and field mice, toy pianos and whale songs. The performance, lasting one hour and fifteen minutes, will be followed by complimentary refreshments, allowing you to bask in the beauty of the Laguna while savoring the colors of the sunset on the Heron Hall patio. Don't miss this extraordinary experience on October 20, 2023. For more information, visit

Provided by CharlesCox|Published Oct 17, 2023


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