ADIA POETIC TALES & KARAOKE (Chicago) | The Wild Hare & Singing Armadillo Frog Sanctuary

ADIA POETIC TALES & KARAOKE (Chicago) | The Wild Hare & Singing Armadillo Frog Sanctuary

Sep 20, 2023 (UTC-6)
The Wild Hare & Singing Armadillo Frog Sanctuary


ADIA POETIC TALES & KARAOKE presents THE BIG POETRY SLAM, an event that will captivate poetry enthusiasts in the beautiful city of Chicago. Join us at The Wild Hare & Singing Armadillo Frog Sanctuary on September 20, 2023, for an evening filled with soul-stirring performances by talented poets. During this mesmerizing event, it is of utmost importance for all attendees to maintain an atmosphere of respect and quietude throughout the poets' performances. In order to create an intimate ambiance, we kindly request that there be no clapping. Instead, we encourage the use of finger snapping to express appreciation for the poets' words and artistry. Make sure to mark your calendar for this extraordinary gathering of wordsmiths and lovers of poetry. The Big Poetry Slam promises an unforgettable experience, allowing you to immerse yourself in the power of poetic expression. Tickets for this remarkable event are available at a reasonable price of $10. Don't miss out on the opportunity to attend ADIA POETIC TALES & KARAOKE's The Big Poetry Slam at The Wild Hare & Singing Armadillo Frog Sanctuary. Join us for a night of profound emotions and lyrical brilliance, where poets will transport you to a realm of imagination and introspection.

Provided by Gereon|Published Sep 14, 2023


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