Advanced Salsa Series with Jimmy Hyun! | 849 Hanover St

Advanced Salsa Series with Jimmy Hyun! | 849 Hanover St

Oct 21, 2023 (UTC-5)
849 Hanover St


Elevate your salsa game to new heights with the Advanced Salsa Series led by the renowned salsa instructor, Jimmy Hyun! This exclusive 3-class series is designed to take your salsa skills to the next level and make you the star of any dance floor. In this limited-time opportunity, Jimmy will share his secret tips and techniques to enhance your social dance flow. With his guidance, you'll effortlessly glide across the dance floor, leaving everyone in awe at your smooth moves. But that's not all - Jimmy will also teach you how to develop your musicality and dance in perfect harmony with the music. Feel the rhythm in your bones and turn every step into a masterpiece. As one of the best in the business, Jimmy's reputation as an incredible Salsero is well-deserved. Don't miss out on the chance to learn from the best and unlock your dance potential. Secure your spot in this exclusive series now before it's too late. Limited slots are available, so don't wait any longer to dance your way to success with Jimmy Hyun! Join the Advanced Salsa Series at the prestigious venue located at 849 Hanover Street, Manchester, NH 03104. The event will take place on October 21, 2023. Tickets are priced at $25 for drop-in classes and $60 for the 3-class package. Get ready to elevate your salsa game and become the salsa star you've always wanted to be. Sign up for the Advanced Salsa Series with Jimmy Hyun today!

Provided by KarolinCacho|Published Oct 23, 2023


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