Alice Rothchild, Old Enough to Know - FREE MIDDLE GRADE EVENT! | Village Books and Paper Dreams

Alice Rothchild, Old Enough to Know - FREE MIDDLE GRADE EVENT! | Village Books and Paper Dreams

Jun 8, 2024 (UTC-8)
Village Books and Paper Dreams


Join Alice Rothchild for a FREE MIDDLE GRADE EVENT in Bellingham at Village Books and Paper Dreams. On June 8, 2024, Alice Rothchild will be discussing her latest novel, "Old Enough to Know," which explores themes of identity and understanding. This middle grade novel follows the journey of nine-year-old Mohammed Omar Mohammed Abu Srour and his 16-year-old sister as they navigate their first week at a new school in a new city. Grounded in their grandmother's story, the book takes readers from a peasant village in Palestine to the Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem, and finally to their new home in the United States. Through the eyes of young Mohammad, Alice Rothchild unapologetically and truthfully weaves together the story of Palestine, then and now. It is a poignant and heartbreaking tale of reckoning with the past while trying to find their place in a world that doesn't understand. Don't miss this opportunity to hear from Alice Rothchild, a renowned author, filmmaker, and physician, who is dedicated to human rights and social justice. Copies of "Old Enough to Know" will be available for purchase at the event, and attendees will receive a complimentary copy of Alice's documentary, "Voices Across the Divide."

Provided by DennisJackley|Published Jun 7, 2024


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