Beaux Arts Fall Ball 2023 | Al's Bar

Beaux Arts Fall Ball 2023 | Al's Bar

Nov 4, 2023 (UTC-5)
Al's Bar


Beaux Arts is excited to announce the much-anticipated return of the Fall Ball in 2023. Taking place at the renowned Al's Bar in Lexington, this extraordinary event is set to captivate attendees with an enchanting theme: the Enchanted Forest. Prepare for a magical night of music, art, and costumes as you immerse yourself in the whimsical atmosphere. This year's Fall Ball promises an expanded lineup of activities that go beyond the classic Beaux Arts traditions of dancing and socializing. Guests will have the opportunity to participate in a silent auction and a costume contest, adding another layer of excitement to the evening. The silent auction will feature unique installations and decorations crafted by our talented creative committee. Additionally, we are proud to showcase pieces donated by the local community, allowing attendees to take a part of this extraordinary event home with them. The highly anticipated costume contest will honor the most remarkable and imaginative outfits in three distinct categories. Prepare to showcase your creativity as you compete for the titles of "Most Creative," "Best Group Costume," and "Most Enchanted." We can't wait to see the incredible costumes that our guests will bring to life. Join us at Al's Bar on November 4, 2023, for an unforgettable night of enchantment and celebration. Tickets are available for only $12, offering incredible value for this extraordinary event. Don't miss your chance to be a part of the Beaux Arts Fall Ball 2023 and experience the magic of the Enchanted Forest.

Provided by KaisonJaco|Published Nov 6, 2023


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