Composition in Photography | Horn Photo

Composition in Photography | Horn Photo

Feb 29, 2024 (UTC-8)
Horn Photo


Rise above the ordinary snapshot and discover how to make your images captivating. The art of composition is just as crucial as lighting and camera settings, and this class will delve into the intricacies of photography, teaching you how to create pictures that truly captivate. As part of the course, attendees are invited to submit three or four images for critique, providing valuable insights into improving your craft. The comprehensive curriculum will explore various elements of composition and demonstrate how to utilize them to enhance your images. From unity and balance to movement and contrast, this class will cover it all, including the rule of thirds, leading lines, framing, simplification, and point of view. Led by the esteemed Emily Bunting, a professional Fine Arts Landscape Photographer, this course promises to inspire your creativity and challenge you to create images that fill you with pride. Take a moment to visit Emily's website and witness why Horn Photo is honored to have her as our esteemed teacher. Don't miss out on this informative class that will ignite your passion for photography. Join us on February 29, 2024, at Horn Photo in Fresno, located at 7899 North Blackstone Avenue. Tickets are priced at $45.

Provided by PharrellPramod|Published Mar 25, 2024


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