Conversation Series: What in the (art) World? | Sarasota Art Museum

Conversation Series: What in the (art) World? | Sarasota Art Museum

May 7, 2024 (UTC-5)
Sarasota Art Museum


Art enthusiasts are cordially invited to the "Conversation Series: What in the (art) World?" event hosted by Sarasota Art Museum in Sarasota. Delve into the dynamic realm of Contemporary Art with certified Art Appraiser Elana Rubinfeld as she explores the latest news, trends, and gossip shaping the artistic landscape. This engaging series occurs on the first Tuesday of every month, offering a deep dive into the surface ripples and profound depths of the art world. With over 20 years of experience in various art institutions, Elana Rubinfeld promises enlightening and informal discussions that provide enriched perspectives on today's narratives in art. Limited to 20 participants per session, this event ensures a vibrant tapestry of discourse. Don't miss the opportunity to contribute to this stimulating conversation. Mark your calendar for the upcoming session on May 7, 2024, at Sarasota Art Museum, where tickets range from $0 to $20. Don't miss this chance to engage with captivating personalities and immerse yourself in the ever-evolving world of Contemporary Art.

Provided by Orange|Published May 8, 2024


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