Heartbeat Harmony: A Valentine's Ecstatic Dance & Community Cacao Ceremony | Wickham Community Centre, Mill Lane, Wickham, Fareham, UK

Heartbeat Harmony: A Valentine's Ecstatic Dance & Community Cacao Ceremony | Wickham Community Centre, Mill Lane, Wickham, Fareham, UK

Feb 18, 2024 (UTC+0)
Wickham Community Centre, Mill Lane, Wickham, Fareham, UK


Heartbeat Harmony: A Valentine's Ecstatic Dance & Community Cacao Ceremony is an event that invites individuals to celebrate universal love in a safe and freeing space of movement and connection. It is a beautiful opportunity to shake off stress and find our way back to love through dance. This event will take place on February 18, 2024, at the Wickham Community Centre located in Wickham, Fareham, UK. Heartbeat Harmony welcomes everyone, including partners, friends, and family. It is a space where individuals can connect deeply with themselves and others, experiencing the joy and liberation that comes from movement. What makes this event special is that there are no steps to follow, no right or wrong way to move, and no dance experience is required. It is all about moving authentically and being open to the ways our body craves. The event will begin with setting intentions and sipping ethically sourced and lovingly prepared cacao, a ceremonial drink known for its ability to open the heart and deepen emotional and spiritual connections. This elixir, rich in antioxidants and natural mood enhancers, will help center our awareness in the present moment. A brief guided meditation will accompany each sip as a way to connect to our heart space and give thanks. Heartbeat Harmony culminates in an ecstatic dance session, where participants can drop out of their minds and into their bodies, finding their flow in a safe and non-judgmental space. The event will conclude with a sharing circle, providing an opportunity to reflect and connect with others. Tickets for Heartbeat Harmony: A Valentine's Ecstatic Dance & Community Cacao Ceremony are available at a price of £33.22. Join this event in Wickham and celebrate love in its many forms through the power of dance and connection.

Provided by Lizzeth|Published Mar 25, 2024


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