Hexham Poetry Circle | Hexham Library

Hexham Poetry Circle | Hexham Library

Jan 6, 2024 (UTC+0)
Hexham Library


Welcome to the Hexham Poetry Circle, a monthly gathering dedicated to the art of poetry. This is not your average performance, open mic, or workshop. It is a serene and regular gathering where poets come together to cultivate their craft, share their work, and engage in meaningful discussions about the intricacies of poetry. The Hexham Poetry Circle meets on the first Saturday of every month at the esteemed Hexham Library, located on Beaumont Street in Hexham. This inclusive and welcoming group invites poetry enthusiasts of all levels to join them. Whether you are a seasoned poet or a beginner, you will find a supportive environment to explore your creativity and hone your writing skills. The Hexham Poetry Circle is an opportunity to receive valuable feedback from fellow poets and engage in thoughtful conversations about the practice and techniques of poetry. Make a note in your calendar for our upcoming event on January 6, 2024. The Hexham Poetry Circle is free to attend, so come and immerse yourself in the world of poetry. For more information, please reach out to the Hexham Library directly. We look forward to seeing you there.

Provided by McKynlee|Published Mar 25, 2024


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