Kettlebell 201: The Rite of Passage Workshop—San Diego, CA | Wicked Fit

Kettlebell 201: The Rite of Passage Workshop—San Diego, CA | Wicked Fit

Nov 11, 2023 (UTC-8)
Wicked Fit


Kettlebell enthusiasts in San Diego, CA have an exciting opportunity to participate in the upcoming Kettlebell 201: The Rite of Passage Workshop. This highly regarded event, known as "The Tsar of the kettlebell lifts," offers attendees the chance to develop explosive total body power, improve conditioning, and enhance their grip strength. To ensure a successful experience, participants should have a solid foundation in swings, get-ups, and goblet squats. If you're lacking these prerequisites, it is strongly advised to acquire these skills through a Kettlebell 101 workshop, a StrongFirst accredited gym, or a StrongFirst certified SFG instructor. The event is organized and licensed by The Iron Core Way, and any registration and general inquiries should be directed to Please note that registration fees are non-refundable, but participants can transfer their registration to another person without a fee. Once attendees reach the impressive "Timeless Simple" standard, they have the opportunity to embark on the classic Rite of Passage. This involves incorporating the snatch, clean, and military press into their kettlebell training regimen. The snatch, often referred to as "the Tsar of the kettlebell lifts," offers numerous benefits, including explosive power, conditioning, and an improved grip. Additionally, it enables individuals to burn fat efficiently while utilizing a lighter kettlebell. The one-arm clean-and-press is another fundamental exercise that strengthens the shoulders and promotes muscular development. Its ergonomic design ensures optimal shoulder health. The military press, with its reliable progression program known as the "Rite of Passage," offers three variations to accommodate various goals and abilities. By participating in the Kettlebell 201 Rite of Passage workshop, attendees gain valuable skills and a roadmap to achieve their fitness goals. This workshop sets high standards and provides the necessary tools to excel. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your kettlebell training. Sign up today and unlock your power!

Provided by Pris|Published Mar 25, 2024


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