Oil Painting Workshop with Ronnie Phillips | Atlantic Beach Arts Market

Oil Painting Workshop with Ronnie Phillips | Atlantic Beach Arts Market

Oct 21, 2023 (UTC-5)
Atlantic Beach Arts Market


Come and join the incredible Oil Painting Workshop with the highly acclaimed artist, Ronnie Phillips. This exclusive event will take place at the Atlantic Beach Arts Market in Atlantic Beach, FL, on October 21, 2023. Ronnie Phillips, a master in the art of oil painting, will share his expertise and guide participants through the mesmerizing world of oil painting. Immerse yourself in the captivating ambiance of the Atlantic Beach Arts Market as you unleash your creativity and learn the techniques to create stunning oil paintings. This workshop is open to art enthusiasts of all levels, from beginners to experienced artists. The ticket price for this unforgettable experience is only $65, making it an accessible opportunity to refine your artistic skills. Don't miss out on this extraordinary chance to learn from the best in the industry and expand your artistic horizons. Reserve your spot now and embark on a journey of self-expression and artistic growth at the Oil Painting Workshop with Ronnie Phillips.

Provided by Mei|Published Oct 24, 2023


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