Piper Distinguished Visiting Writer Series: Eileen Myles and Jenny Irish (Tempe) | Piper Writers House

Piper Distinguished Visiting Writer Series: Eileen Myles and Jenny Irish (Tempe) | Piper Writers House

Oct 27, 2023 (UTC-7)
Piper Writers House


Join Eileen Myles and Jenny Irish at the Piper Writers House in Tempe, Arizona, for an extraordinary reading and conversation as part of the Piper Distinguished Visiting Writer Series. Experience the transformative power of poetry as the renowned poet, novelist, and scholar Eileen Myles along with ASU Associate Professor and esteemed poet Jenny Irish share their brilliant works and engage in a profound discussion on poetry, life, love, gender, and much more. This is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the distinct perspectives and insightful reflections of these distinguished writers. Mark your calendars and be part of this captivating event on October 27, 2023. The historic Piper Writers House, located at 450 E Tyler Mall, will be the venue for this enlightening gathering. This event is free of charge, allowing you to indulge in the beauty of art and literature without any monetary constraints. Join us at the Piper Writers House for an unforgettable experience that will leave you inspired and enriched.

Provided by LukeCollins|Published Sep 21, 2023


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