Sebastian Merrill in Person | Odyssey Bookshop

Sebastian Merrill in Person | Odyssey Bookshop

Feb 28, 2024 (UTC-5)
Odyssey Bookshop


Sebastian Merrill will be presenting his new collection Ghost::Seeds at the Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley on Wednesday, February 28 at 7 PM. This highly anticipated event will feature Merrill in conversation with Andrea Lawlor. Ghost::Seeds takes place on a remote island on the Maine coast and incorporates elements of magical realism and myth to delve into the complexities of gender and identity. The central tension of the book-length poem lies in the dialogue between a trans speaker and his "girl-ghost" self, who represents the person he used to be. Inspired by the myth of Persephone, the girl-ghost speaks from an underworld illuminated by glowworms and connected to the world above through a sea cave. This debut collection, which won the prestigious X. J. Kennedy Poetry Prize, showcases Merrill's talent for creating expansive and thought-provoking poetry. Merrill, who holds an MFA in Poetry from Warren Wilson College, has received numerous accolades for their work and has been recognized as one of the most promising debut writers in the poetry community. The event is free and open to the public, so don't miss this opportunity to experience Merrill's captivating poetry and engage in a stimulating conversation about their creative process.

Provided by arrinna|Published Mar 25, 2024


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