Stencils, Paint and Paper & Craft Beer Tasting | Omnipollos Hamburg

Stencils, Paint and Paper & Craft Beer Tasting | Omnipollos Hamburg

Mar 12, 2024 (UTC+1)
Omnipollos Hamburg


Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of Omnipollo at the Stencils, Paint and Paper Session hosted at Omnipollos Hamburg. This event pays tribute to the renowned Swedish craft brewery Omnipollo and their talented visual artist Karl Grandin. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the psychedelic realm of Omnipollo through a 2.5-hour acrylic paint workshop. Drawing inspiration from various sources such as the bar's decor, moving animations, and Karl's latest book, attendees will utilize specially crafted stencils to create their own vibrant masterpiece on high-quality acrylic paper. Brushes, markers, and drying equipment will be provided to facilitate the creative process. Additionally, frames will be available for purchase to display your artwork instantly. While delving into the world of Omnipollo, guests will savor a special beer cocktail and sample three exquisite craft beers, including a unique beer slushy. Complimentary water, snacks, and pizza slices will be offered, with the option to purchase additional beverages at the bar. Don't miss this exclusive event on March 12, 2024, in Hamburg, offering a sensory-rich experience that will redefine your perception of beer, art, and bar culture. Tickets are priced at 59 €.

Provided by Mr.Big|Published Mar 25, 2024


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