Vocal bootcamp in Rotterdam | Singing Birds Voice Studio Rotterdam

Vocal bootcamp in Rotterdam | Singing Birds Voice Studio Rotterdam

May 18, 2024 (UTC+1)
Singing Birds Voice Studio Rotterdam


Experience an enriching Vocal Bootcamp in Rotterdam at Singing Birds Voice Studio. This monthly bootcamp is designed for singers with some experience seeking to enhance their vocal abilities. Led by the experienced trainer Kateryna Vinytskyi - Sikoza, participants will refine their singing skills, improve breathing techniques, and learn to navigate challenging vocal scenarios. The bootcamp focuses on mastering vocal embellishments, strengthening belting techniques, and expanding vocal ranges within a three-hour session. Gain insights into improvisation, harmonizing in group settings, and techniques used by renowned singers for exceptional performances. With a background in singing, songwriting, and producing, Kateryna brings over 15 years of coaching experience to help you connect with your voice effectively. Don comfortable sportswear and sneakers for this active experience at €90 per person. Elevate your vocal skills to new heights on May 18, 2024, at Singing Birds Voice Studio, 24 Marinus van der Stoepstraat, 3061 PE Rotterdam.

Provided by Enjolras|Published May 19, 2024


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