
On the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, under the sutra banners of the Foguang Temple, I encountered the footprints of Lin Huiyin

Walking into the Foguang Temple, slowly moving forward along the corridor, looking up at the mountain, two giant ancient pines cover the East Hall of the Foguang Temple, and going up the steep steps, suddenly the flying eaves and bucket arches, the majestic Tang-style architecture stretches in front of your eyes, the kind of surging thousand-year-old heroic breath is enough to conquer any believer. No wonder the telegram 'Construction Society Investigation Group Found Tang Dynasty Architectural Temple, Liang Sicheng Reported from Wutai Foguang Temple' published on July 9, 1937 in the 'Beiping Morning News' caused a great sensation. Nowadays, it is not easy to come here with developed transportation conditions. Imagine the mood of the gentlemen of the Construction Society when they got off the car and rode a donkey, ate in the wind and slept in the dew, and finally saw the Foguang Temple.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Feb 13, 2024
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Foguang Temple

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