Best Restaurants in June in Tunxi District (Updated 2024)

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€11Anhui Cuisine
Steven Zhang#Mid-Autumn Festival National Day Travel punch card Huangshan has both the world geopark and a long history and culture, Huizhou is the result of the long-term development of feudal upper morals and ethics in the people's lives. It can be said that Huizhou culture represents the feudal history and culture of China for thousands of years, so the story and culture of this city is quite colorful! There are outstanding characters and achievements in all walks of life, and even the catering field is like this. There is a most interesting restaurant in Tunxi, which brings together most of the dishes in the southern mountain area of Wei, and each dish has a rich amount of money to talk about, let's take a look at this restaurant together! Since ancient times, Huizhou has attached great importance to education, education, culture, especially education is the top pillar of Huizhou. From the education pioneer Tao Xingzhi to the rise of the new An school of calligraphy and painting, and the hometown of China's leading people, these facts are enough to prove everything. The interior decoration of this restaurant is mainly based on the environment of feudal social examination examinations, with a simple and elegant sense of sight. The interior decoration and construction of the restaurant are all mainly made of wood materials, and the building center of gravity is assisted by stone. It creates the atmosphere of an antique Huizhou family. It definitely feels different to eat in this environment. The restaurant introduced by Yamano Jun also has a delicious name, called Hui San said. Listening to its name, you know that it is related to the life of Huizhou people, according to the understanding. When dining, Yamano Jun found that the bowl mouth wrote the name of this restaurant. It turned out that under the eaves of Huizhou people, order three or four delicious dishes and four or five friends to taste while talking about their hearts and ambitions. In the current society, this is indeed a very sentimental restaurant, and it is full of fun. The first dish is the classic of Anhui cuisine, it is the famous stinky carp. The story of the stinky carp is told in the previous Anhui article. Limited to the length and the purpose of writing, Yamano Jun no longer tells it. The stinky cod of Anhui cuisine smells very stinky, but it tastes very fragrant and appetizing, which is why this century-old dish has not been lost. Hairy tofu is also a very story-like dish in Huizhou. Regarding the history and story of this dish, Yamano Jun has also published in the previous Anhui cuisine column. If you want to know more, you can refer to it. Huangshan Tunxi District Huisan said hair tofu tastes very elegant, the master of the chef, has a distinctive delicious. Shanye Jun prefers to eat seafood and vegetarian dishes. I found that the restaurant is also equipped with other rural local dishes in the southern mountain area of Wei, so I ordered this dry pot beans, which tasted very good. Hanghuang high-speed rail Huangshan is 200 kilometers away from Hangzhou, which can directly reach coastal cities such as Ningbo and Wenzhou. Hefu high-speed rail is even more a distance between Huangshan and Fujian coastal cities, so you can also eat good seafood in Huangshan. Tunxi Country Garden Huisan said that the seafood in the restaurant tastes very good. Yamane Jun ate several of this oysters. I heard that it is very nutritious for men. Do you like it? Nanshan District is really a good place, all kinds of vegetarian dishes taste superb, and they are all taken from pollution-free ingredients. An unknown vegetarian fried bacon tastes beyond the imagination of Yamanojun, and I ate a lot at once. I heard from the restaurant staff that this is also a home-cooked dish that people in southern Anhui often eat when they are baking. The area bordering southern Anhui, western Zhejiang and northern Anhui is a very unique place, people prefer to eat spicy dishes. A piece of pepper-smelling fish, not only has a good appearance, but also a great taste. It is a very good dish for dinner, worth tasting! In the southern mountainous area of Anhui, a variety of dishes, soups can be available, and each dish has a story, these stories are enough to become a meal before and after dinner, this feeling is really too special, right? Hui San said that the restaurant in order to let us recall the infinite beauty of the childhood, it also provides old popsicles and ice cream and other after-dinner drinks. Get these ice drinks can really make people reminisce about the past years. This atmosphere is really good. #927 Love food forest #Traveler party #Amway this treasure restaurant #Net red punch card


8 Reviews
€9Anhui Cuisine
果汁分你一半✔Opposite the ancient city of Jixian County, the location is great, the door is obvious, the store is also very bright, the decoration is good, very Huizhou characteristics, it is worthy of the authentic Huizhou restaurant! The wooden tables and chairs feel very good, the dining environment is great, there is a box on the first floor of the lobby on the second floor! The service is very warm. Whether you are a local or a foreign traveler, you will be very warmly received, polite service, accompany you to order, answer your questions, every request will almost be very fast service in place, really conscience. Dining feels very comfortable! "Huizhou Sanxianyu" is mainly meat round, rot bamboo, silk, ham, mushrooms, the taste is very fresh, the meat round should be added tofu in the same as the very tight meat round we eat at home, their very soft tender, and the fragrance of meat, very special! The aroma of dumplings and ham has a fresher effect! "Oil and thunder" This thunder is very tender, it is a bit heavy oil, but Huizhou has always done it! There is not much meat. "Dried pork" this meat is a large piece, dumplings should be dried in winter, relatively thunder will be a bit hard, but I personally like to eat like this, it is braised taste! "Tieban Fan" This dish also has silk, really in Huangshan 80% of the dishes will have dumplings, hahaha, fortunately I love to eat, this dish tastes moderate, that is, the portion is really too much.  "Handmade Farm Tofu" hahaha, yes, there are also silk in this dish, and the farm tofu made in a large pot is very delicious. "Fried pepper with oil residue" oil residues are almost rare outside to make vegetables, refined lard, and the remaining fat residues are not oily at all, very fragrant, very fragrant. Don't think of it as fat, I think you will love this taste too! "Pickled pepper stew" is a side dish. To be honest, I think it is the best dish. The salty and sour is just right. It is a bit spicy. The meal is amazing. The stew is very tender and fragrant. Next time I go, I must let the waiter have a bowl of all his dishes. The portion is so big, too affordable.