Best Restaurants in June in Jiangdu District (Updated 2024)

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17 Reviews
€9Jiangzhe Cuisine
跟着凯哥吃扬州Yangzhou really has to eat more than a dozen local indigenous people a day to eat carefully organized from morning to night. Raiders morning tea: Pan Delin Tea House (local favorite morning tea shop Recommended: Hanamai Roast Duck Shaomai Sanding Bags Steamed dumplings and glazed noodles) Yangzhou dry noodles (Chen Yongchun Noodle Restaurant can be eaten from morning to night Recommend: dry noodles waist flower soup green pepper shredded pork noodles Many street shops in the morning dry noodles are also good) Lunch: Lijun Huaiyang Restaurant (Foreign friends come to Yangzhou must push Huaiyang cuisine restaurant Recommended: Huaiyang small fried mandarin shrimp vinegar squid steamed stinky big yuan) Yuanyouyuan hot pot (friends every time they come to Yangzhou to play must eat hot pot store indoors and outdoors are very good key pot bottom and dishes taste good Recommended: all red beef oil pot fresh cut tender beef ~ thousands of layers of belly 🐼 series of drinks dessert ice beans Flower) Dachaohuai (local restaurant where I often eat dinner with friends Recommend: wooden barrel fish soup burdock, hand torn bone, roast durian crab powder lion head) Afternoon tea: Yuyun (all made of wontons Guangling Salt Shop is very suitable for 📷 punch in Recommended: Four Xilian Yuanyuan Jiajia Yuanyuan Chidou Lantern Festival) Luyi Tea Garden (Jiangnan Garden style teahouse suitable for three or five friends to gather to take pictures or spirits Recommended: Beijing Fruit Banxia Dessert Ruyi Xiaolongbao Dessert Cold Cuisine) Redwood Tree Lantern Festival (Many Yangzhou locals from snacks to large afternoon tea Lantern Festival and fried skewers are good Recommended: Osmanthus Lantern Festival Chidou Lantern Festival Hu spicy soup Riji meat orchid dried) Yanzhuo (Roast meat restaurant at the head of Pishi Street Road Noon and evening is a barbecue tavern afternoon tea making Riji skewers Recommended: Dali Chicken Row Chicken Rice Cake) Muming Sandwich (a small shop that young people like in Yangzhou recommend: thick egg meal meat sandwich double waterfall cheese hot dog bag milk frozen and frozen lime tea) Dinner: soy sauce people canteen (local elders or family dinner often go to the cheap restaurant main Sutra Affordable recommendation: oily shrimp, roasted old goose, fried, stinky, stinky Dayuan, soy sauce fried rice) wine and rice bureau (local young people often go to the store for dinner, now open at noon and evening Recommended: beef belly lamb chop pot, windshield lobster, fireworks, oil duck barbecue) Nightingale: Fuge Barbecue (the boss Jilin people have been barbecue in Yangzhou for more than ten years. The taste and portion are good. Recommended: beef ribs, crisp bones, beef dragons, pork belly) Hongda noodle restaurant (exclusive Yangzhou people's late night canteen open until early morning and supper can eat recommended: Small bowl of vegetables, dry noodles, shredded pork noodles) Yangzhou supper (Chen's duck blood fans recommend: duck oil dry mixed duck blood fan soup egg fried rice Dongjia Shanxi knife noodles recommended: beef knife noodles egg fried rice braised egg orchid dried) #Fireworks in March Yangzhou #Yangzhou travel #Yangzhou specialties #Yangzhou cuisine


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€8Jiangzhe Cuisine
秦楚妃 First arrived in Yangzhou! I want to eat Huaiyang cuisine for the first night! As one of the four traditional Chinese cuisines originating from Huai'an and Yangzhou, Huaiyang cuisine combines the characteristics of the two places. Huaiyang cuisine pays attention to knife work and is mainly Jianghuhe. I didn't order classic Huaiyang dishes in this store, but the taste was not bad! Recommend it! ✔️ The alley fried stinky is really the smell of stinky tofu that I loved when I was a child, but the fried stinky dry needs to be more crispy. The soup is eaten with peppers. The entrance is ✔️ Hand torn chicken skin is golden yellow. When it comes up, it is still hot and the sour and sweet sauce is very tender. ✔️~ You are really good. Fried salmon with rice cakes 🦑 sauce. The juice is very sticky. There are a lot of cod. One of two people eats and thinks that there are more ✔️ Yangzhou fried rice has been eaten so many times in other cities. Finally, I ate fried rice in Yangzhou! Yangzhou fried rice! Is it sweet? ! The portion is enough for 3⃣️ people! ✔️ Braised vegetables can be eaten in the current dish. I ordered vegetarian halogen and the taste is ok! ⚠️ Ordered 5⃣️ course 60+ per person per dish is basically about 20 or 30. It is really cost-effective ⚠️ There are too many people in line. Try to go to the table as early as possible. The rate is high. How many people are queuing fast. #Locals take you to swim #My Love Journey #Eat Happiness