Best Restaurants in June in Zaozhuang (Updated 2024)

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4 Reviews
US$10Shandong Cuisine
冰澈大人The time to come to Zaozhuang Zhangzhou for a business trip is very tight, basically need to be busy until more than 10 o'clock every day. But even this does not affect me to take the time to eat a pot of authentic Zaozhuang spicy chicken. The old mill was recommended by a friend I had been to Zhangzhou before. I had already had a meal when I went, and there were still a lot of people in the store. There was a 4-person package of 168r. The dishes were amazing, and there were a lot of people left. "Special spicy chicken" is not an exaggeration to say that a pot of chicken occupies almost half a table. It looks like a whole rooster (complete parts), the meat is very chewy, not as tender and broken as the meat of the broiler. Fried with that thin-skinned screw pepper, the aroma and spicy and garlic of the pepper completely entered the chicken, super invincible! Although the biscuits are a bit sweet, it is still good to tear them down and dip the soup. The other stir-fry is not as amazing as the spicy chicken, but it is quite satisfactory and not difficult to eat. "Spicy fried belly" is fried, loose and soft, but the thickness of the fat layer tastes a bit greasy. Plus the oil is also heavier, just eat two mouths still feel very fragrant, not suitable for eating more. "Fried sheep blood" has no fishy smell, sheep blood is quite tender. The dish of "hand-teared cabbage" is very pleasant. The cabbage has been completely broken but the crispness is still very good. The mouth is slightly sweet, not bad. "mutton soup egg tea" feels no big difference from ordinary egg soup, that is, the eggs are very willing to put. The ordinary salty mouth of the soup is a little bit oily. "cold dishes" are very refreshing. And the tea for making is made in an old-fashioned large tea tank, which is fun and it is not so convenient to pour. 🅿️ Parking: Difficult, the parking space at the door is full early. 📍 Guide: Lao Mill Yangtang · Characteristic Spicy Chicken (Cangzhou Tasi North Road and Xueyuan Road intersection) Recommended Index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟✨