A participatory exploration of Touching and Turing with artist Cherine Fahd | Maitland Regional Art Gallery

A participatory exploration of Touching and Turing with artist Cherine Fahd | Maitland Regional Art Gallery

Feb 17, 2024 (UTC+10)
Maitland Regional Art Gallery


Join artist Cherine Fahd at the Maitland Regional Art Gallery for a thought-provoking exhibition and interactive experience titled "Touching and Turning." On Saturday, February 17th at 3:00pm, Fahd will delve into the nature of touch and invite visitors to engage in a participatory exploration of this fascinating concept. Through her works, Fahd explores the complexities of touch and non-touch in various realms, including familial, artistic, and social contexts. She will discuss how the recent period of social distancing has shed light on the power of touch to bring people closer together during times of crisis and in everyday life. During the floor talk, Fahd will provide insights into the deliberate artistic choices made across all the exhibited works. Visitors will have the opportunity to respond and personally engage with the pieces, encouraging a deeper connection to the artwork. This interactive experience aims to examine the diverse ways in which we connect and disconnect in our relationships. For those who prefer a more distanced viewing experience, there will be an option to observe. Don't miss the chance to explore the profound impact of touch on our lives through Cherine Fahd's exhibition. The event promises an immersive and thought-provoking experience for all participants. Admission is free, so make sure to mark your calendars for this unique opportunity.

Provided by Gisela|Published Mar 25, 2024


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