DARE FESTIVAL 2023 - Dynamic Artists Reimagine Everything | *SCAPE

DARE FESTIVAL 2023 - Dynamic Artists Reimagine Everything | *SCAPE

Dec 22, 2023 (UTC+8)


The highly anticipated DARE Festival is coming back in 2023, and this time it's an immersive in-person event. Taking place on December 22nd at *SCAPE Singapore, this unique festival will showcase the incredible talents of Dynamic Artists Reimagining Everything. DARE Festival is all about fostering collaboration between mainstream and disabled artists, celebrating diversity and inclusion in the arts and beyond. Originally conceived during the COVID pandemic, DARE Festival made its mark as a groundbreaking online event in 2022. It was presented to a global audience on December 3rd, coinciding with the International Day For Persons with Disabilities. The theme of Disabled Artists Rebuilding Earth resonated with everyone, as we were at the tail end of the pandemic and the world was in need of healing. The festival aimed to showcase how disabled artists could also play a significant role in rebuilding our earth. One of the driving forces behind DARE Festival is Lim Lee Lee, a blind individual and co-founder of Collective Perspectives. Lim Lee Lee's journey and dedication are truly inspirational, and she was recognized for her achievements with the Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards in 2022. To learn more about her incredible story, check out the interview by THG. DARE Festival 2023 promises to be an unforgettable experience that transcends boundaries and brings together artists from all walks of life. Best of all, admission is free, so mark your calendars and get ready to be amazed by the power of art and inclusion.

Provided by Reino|Published Dec 22, 2023


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