SOLD OUT | The Lab E20

SOLD OUT | The Lab E20

Apr 16, 2024 (UTC+0)
The Lab E20


The SOLD OUT event in London at The Lab E20 presents a unique opportunity for artists, musicians, and creative business owners to learn how to monetize their talents effectively. Taking place on April 16, 2024, from 12-5pm, attendees will gain insights into the visibility and outreach processes crucial for selling their art successfully. By discovering how to price their work strategically and build a strong brand presence, participants will unlock the connection between self-worth and financial success. Led by Starling and Haijat, this workshop offers a five-step approach to transforming creativity into profit, eliminating uncertainties and providing a clear path forward. Whether you are seeking to enhance your visibility, track your progress, or improve your sales techniques without being pushy, this event caters to all individuals interested in maximizing their creative potential. Tickets are priced at £96.05, and the event is open to everyone looking to boost their artistic endeavors.

Provided by Hazle|Published Apr 17, 2024


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