Term 1 Journey into Butoh: London Butoh Classes 2023/2024 | City of London

Term 1 Journey into Butoh: London Butoh Classes 2023/2024 | City of London

Dec 9, 2023 (UTC+0)
City of London


Welcome to the City of London, where the mesmerizing art form of Butoh takes center stage! Prepare to embark on a transformative journey as Term 1 Journey into Butoh: London Butoh Classes 2023/2024 unfolds before your eyes. This captivating event will immerse you in the enigmatic world of Butoh, a Japanese dance form that pushes the boundaries of expression and challenges conventional norms. Taking place on December 9, 2023, at the City of London, this extraordinary experience is not to be missed. The venue, nestled in the heart of London, sets the perfect stage for this artistic exploration. As you step into this enchanting world, you will be greeted by the ethereal movements and hauntingly beautiful performances that define Butoh. The best part? This mesmerizing journey is absolutely free! The organizers of Term 1 Journey into Butoh: London Butoh Classes 2023/2024 believe that art should be accessible to all. They invite you to witness the magic of Butoh firsthand, without any financial constraints. So mark your calendars and prepare to be captivated by the spellbinding artistry of Butoh. This event promises to transport you to a realm where time stands still and emotions come alive. Join us in London for a truly unforgettable experience at Term 1 Journey into Butoh: London Butoh Classes 2023/2024. Get ready to be swept away by the mesmerizing beauty of this unique art form. Let Butoh guide you on a profound journey of self-discovery and artistic exploration.

Provided by Ptolemy|Published Mar 25, 2024


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